Season 3, Episode 9: Passing The Lantern

Image result for passing the lantern brush with destiny mighty morphin power rangers
"Passing The Lantern"
Episode 9
Air Date: September 19th, 1995

How can I say this nicely.....I don't like Adam!!! I sorry, it's not his characterization, because I get what the writers are going for but the character comes off so dull and bland!! Also, Johnny Young Bosch is just a terrible actor. His scenes come off so weak and laughable when he's all upset about losing his lantern because Johnny's delivery is so lifeless, like he doesn't want to be bothered by the material. I know that's not the character's fault, it's the actor, so I don't really care much for this episode for that fact. I mean it doesn't even make sense in the long run since when Lord Zedd is after Adam's lantern, the take the wrong one and turn it into a monster, Lanterra.

The message of the episode is completely lost as Adam's lantern should have been turned into the monster and him forced to destroy it but learning that the lantern doesn't matter, that he has the strength within himself. But no, the writers decide to learn this lesson while he's fighting the monster and then destroy but having Bulk and Skull have the real lantern all along. Also it kind of makes Rita and Lord Zedd look incompetent because they couldn't tell which lantern was the real one as well as Rito, Squatt and Baboo. Also, why make Adam's lantern and the monster look-a-like if they weren't gonna have the Adam's lantern be the monster. Dammit, writers!!! -_-

So what good about this episode??? I continue to like the ninja fights sequences with the Tengas but that's about it. Otherwise, the moral of the lesson is lost because the writers can't seem to make the story work and poor Johnny Young Bosch isn't good when the show is focused on Adam, at least not in these early episodes. Yup, nothing more to say beyond that, sorry Adam!!!

Final Morph: D+


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