Season 2, Episode 49: Storybook Rangers, Part 2
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"Storybook Rangers, Part 2"
Episode 49
Air Date: May 2nd, 1995
Meh,, not a bad conclusion to a pretty harmless two-parter. As the three rangers are trapped in a cave in the storybook, the other three are figuring out with Zordon and Alpha how to free their friends. Turns out the book is at the Book Fair as the three teens go back there and begin to search for the book that Tommy, Kimberly and Rocky are trapped in. As the three rangers' morphers are still frozen, Grumble actually manages to free them. As the three are thankful to be saved, Grumble is just eager to get them out of the book. Tommy gets the idea to go backwards into the story instead of forward so the rangers can finally escape the book by confronting Mondo the Magician. The rangers and Grumble retrace their steps until they arrive at the Magician's lair. Grumble is hesitant and doesn't want to go but the 3 teens force him to do so as Mondo makes his presence known and talks to them. He pretty much tells them he won't left the spell and the teens are basically trapped in the book.
Meanwhile, Lord Zedd uses his staff to make Bulk and Skull's monster creation to come alive....he's name you ask??? Turkey Jerk.......moving on!!! O_O The monster chases after Bulk and Skull to the Park as Aisha, Adam and Billy find the book the other rangers are trapped in. As they examine the book to try to find a way to get them out at the Command Center, Zordon tells them to face off against Bulk and Skull's monster as that is the more pressing matter at hand. The three rangers morph and face off against the monster but are having a tough time countering his attacks until they summon the Power Cannon and use it to destroy Turkey Jerk.....sigh.... Also, you gotta love the abundance of turkey puns....its just!!! O_O lol Anyway, after defeating the monster, the three rangers teleport back to the Command Center to Bulk and Skull's irritation. Back there, Aisha gets the idea to draw the toys for Grumble to give to the children so the story can finally end and the other three rangers can escape.
But when Lord Zedd and Rita find out about that, they use their magic to free Mondo the Magician so he can attack Angel Grove. As Grumble gives the toys to the kids, the spell is lifted on him and the three rangers are able to leave the book. Back in reality, Mondo begins trashing the city as Kimberly, Rocky and Tommy appear. They immediately get a heads up about what's going on and morph into action. The 6 rangers summon their zords and defeat Mondo. As the episode concludes, the Book Fair turned out to be a success as Bulk and Skull return both the books they bought from there. Kimberly give them the Grumble storybook and are scared off when Grumble says hi to them from the book. lol Overall, "Storybook Rangers" was cute pair of two part episodes. I liked Grumble and his sarcasm toward the rangers and the visuals within the book looking like a cheap knock off of the Wizard of Oz. Hey, I said I did like the episodes! lol :P
Final Morph: B-
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