Season 2, Episode 13: Green No More, Part 2
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"Green No More, Part 2"
Episode 13
Air Date: September 28th, 1994
Meh!!! I just don't understand the anti-climax of this two parter, not to mention a storyline that start since last season!!! The writers knew Tommy's powers would get written out of the show as well as himself but we get a really quick and short resolution to what was not only established last episode but last season. So the episode begins with Tommy still trapped in the other world with Turbanshell when Tommy decides to fight him off as he maneuvers his way through the field, but without his powers, Tommy isn't able to fend him off for long and decides to run and hide. Meanwhile, in the otherworld, Zedd and Goldar has the rangers trapped when he decides to send them back to Earth to be destroyed without their powers instead of listening to Goldar and destroying them. right. there!!! -_- Anyway, the powerless teens arrive at the park and try to contact Zordon but turns out that Zedd put a force field over the Command Center that's blocking communication and teleportation to the Command Center.
Billy says he can get connection by going to his house and figuring it out there. Meanwhile, Tommy is fighting Turbanshell when Goldar arrives to replace him as Lord Zedd has given him orders to destroy the city with the rangers now powerless. Goldar, now with Tommy, summons a new device that gives him the power to show Tommy all of his previous battles as he begins to get discouraged. Meanwhile, Billy is working on the communication to the Command Center with his computer when Trini, Zack and Billy notice the Turbanshell attacking the city again on the news as the new anchor asks where are the Power Rangers to save them. So Lord Zedd is feeling great and the force field around the Command Center is compressing the base which would cause the Command Center to implode on itself. Yikes!!! o_O So Kimberly and Jason arrive; just in time for Billy to get a hold of Alpha, who feels him in on what's going on. Meanwhile, Tommy is forced to confess that Goldar is his master after witnessing himself fight and help his friends over and over with his powers. But before Tommy can say it, he finds the confidence within himself to attach Goldar and jump punch him. FREAKIN' BADASS!!! He kicks and punches Goldar; quickly mentioning all the footage of his past showed him how strong he is not just as the Green Ranger but himself.
As Tommy owns the crap out of Goldar, he uses his device to send him away while he figures out how to use it to send a message to himself in the past, like he did before in Part 1. The past Tommy hands his communicator to him and he teleports out of there to Billy's garage. The other rangers are happy to see him as the rangers get communication from Alpha and Zordon tells them the only way to return their powers is to have a non-ranger go back to the other world and destroy the green crystal. Tommy volunteers, even if Jason says it's dangerous but he's willing to risk his life to save his friends. So Tommy teleports there and destroys the crystal, not even having a barrier or Putties protecting that thing just behind him. Tommy teleports back to the others and their morphers return thanks to Tommy. :) Before they morph, Tommy tells them he has it in him for one last battle and he morphs along his friends one last time. Once at the city, the rangers call their Thunderzords and form the Mega Thunderzord. We get a pathetic fight of the rangers fighting Turbanshell in their zord while it doesn't even touch them. Suddenly, the monster knocks the ranger out of their zords again, leaving only the Red Dragon zord to fend him off. So is Json just hanging out in his zord as the Red Dragon zord gets it's ass beat too??? O_o
Anyway, Zordon tells Tommy the only way to save them is to go inside the monster and make it hot on the inside as well as cold on the outside. So Tommy quickly hides in a car with a trunk full of watermelons that the monster quickly sees and eats him along with them. Well thank god this monster randomly likes watermelons and not a trunk full of bacon like any self respecting monster!!! O_O Anyway, once inside, Tommy begins shooting the monster's stomach as Turbanshell cries out in pain as Tommy briefly losses air. But then Tommy regains his strength and continues to shoot. Zack gets the idea to use water against the monster as he flips over to fire hose to some how freeze the monster. Apparently, this is because of the Zyu2 footage being spliced with American footage as it's the Mastodon that is spraying the monster with it's freeze breath or whatever. Anyway, with the monster weakened and Tommy spit out from the monster, the rangers reform the Mega Thudnerzord and destroy Turbanshell for good.
As the teens celebrate at the Juice Bar, the bully teens return all nice and quite. Apparently all they needed was friends to be friendly and cooperate with Jason and the others. Ummm dude, they're five of them and they can easily be friends with each other so what's the freakin' problem. My god their whole inclusion into the story was pointless and nonsensical!!! O_O Omg!!! Anyway, Tommy says goodbye to the others as he will miss them over break since now his Green ranger powers have been all used up. Blah, blah, blah, "you'll always be one of us" blah, blah, blah. Group hand pile and jump; "Power Rangers" to end the episode. So what do I think again of this episode??? Like I said it was anti-climatic with only very few moments to make it passable. The whole Dark Rangers plot....what was the point besides those 5 bullies being mean and revealing those god awful costumes. They didn't use them as they just stood around looking like bigger idiots than Bulk and Skull. At least those to weren't in this episode no time for their unneeded shenanigans, thank God!!! O_O
Final Morph: C+
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