Season 2, Episode 15: Orchestral Maneuvers In The Park
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"Orchestral Maneuvers In the Park"
Episode 15
Air Date: October 4, 1994
Meh!!! This is episode is like an episode of Seinfeld...literally nothing happens!!! But there no ironic comedy to go around, just sequences of the rangers fighting past monsters that don't even exist. So this episode starts with Zack and Trini hanging out at the Juice Bar with his cousin Curtis when Trini learns he plays the trumpet. Playing for the Jazz Festival, Curtis doesn't have his signature trumpet with him when Zack suggests he uses their Uncle's s old trumpet. Richie....just stands there at the Juice Bar all interested at the fact that Curtis can play the trumpet and that his uncle was apparently the greatest trumpet player ever back in the day. Anyway, Lord Zedd is watching and gets the idea to use the trumpet to put a spell on the rangers so that they will hallucinate.....O_O....well, that's new. Rita never did that's one for being original there old Zeddy boy.
As Zack, Billy and Kimberly walk through the park to head to the Jazz Festival with the trumpet. Zedd sends down a squad of Putties to distract the rangers while one of the Putties puts the hallucination potion on the trumpet. The 3 teens fight and we get decent unmorphed fight with the Putties with Zack especially kicking some major ass!!! :) So after the fight, the 3 continue heading the Juice Bar. Curtis is getting nerves with Jason and Trini reassuring him that Zack with make it in time and he does when he apologizes for being late as he gives Curtis the trophy. Lord Zedd is surprised by the Putties doing a good job and watching as the spell takes place. As Curtias plays the trumpet during the performance, the spell takes effect on the rangers as they enjoy his playing. Oh and meanwhile, Bulk and Skull are being idiots trying to get the footprints of the Power Rangers....uhh huh....
Anyway, after the concert, the teens congratulate Curtis on a good job when a Putty comes out of no where and steals the trumpet...right in front of're telling me no one saw that Putty appear out of no plain sight....steal the trumpet...then disappear with it!!! God, people in this town...anyway....Curtis notices the trumpet missing while the others figured he misplaced it. Meanwhile, the Putty reappears at the park and puts the trumpet down so Zedd can turn the instrument into his latest monster: Trumpet-Top.....yeah....-_- So as the teens walk through the park with Zack worried about finding the trumpet, Trumpet-Top summons an old monster; Grumble Bee. When the rangers notice him, they morph and begins fighting him. Soon other monsters from their past appear like Saligauna, Fighting Flea, Soccadilo, etc. until they are surrounded. Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull come upon them and notice....they're are fighting nothing. Even Zordon and Alpha are baffled when they see the rangers fighting...nothing. Zordon tells Alpha that this must be one of Lord Zedd's spell and to teleport the rangers to the Command Center immediately. While the rangers wonder why Zordon teleported them back when all those monsters can destroy Angel Grove easily, Zordon tells them the monsters are all in their heads and that the real monster: Trumpet-Top, is behind it.
They morph back into action and face the Trumpet-Top as Lord Zedd makes him grow with one of his bombs. As Trumpet-Top uses the bomb to grow, the rangers call for the Thunderzords. They form the Thunder Megazord and fight the monster who is able to catch and use the zord's saber against it. The megazord does a counter measure that forces the saber back in it's hand and the rangers finish ff with monster with a strike of the saber. Lord Zedd is pretty calm about yet another defeat...must be because he's starting to realize the rangers aren't the insignificant children he thought they were. Back at the Youth Center, the teens return the trumpet to Curtis; to his excitement. The teens force Bulk and Skull to drop the large piece of cement with the rangers' foot piece...or rather Skull forces him to by slapping him on the back; to the teens's amusement.
Overall, nothing really happened outside the megazord fight and even that wasn't much to talk about. Lame episode if you ask me!
Final Morph: C-
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