MMAR Season 3.5, Episode 1: Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part 1

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"Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part 1"
Episode 1
Air Date: February 5, 1996

Ewww, this episode should have been called "Little Rangers"!!! And that's not a good thing by the way!!! For the continuation of Season 3's story, this episode did Season 3 no favors by pretty much being an episode where we follow the kid versions of the rangers as well as Bulk and Skull for the majority of it. As the villains continue to run a muck and destroy the city, the little rangers try to head to the Command Center on foot. But during their rampage, Master Vile shrinks them back to size; telling them the next phase of his plan is at hand. But as Vile teleports them away, Rito gets the idea to go after the rangers and their power coins now that they are powerless.

This leads to a whole 10 minute sequence of the rangers being chased by Rito and some Tengas. They come up with these different traps and throw barrels at them. Pretty much it reminds me of "Rangers Back In Time" and not in a good way. -_- I mean how are we suppose to take these villains seriously when even the rangers, as kids, can kick their asses without their powers and martial arts??? It's just sad and pathetic;making Rito and the Tengas look so incompetent. If that wasn't bad enough, when four of the kids with Bulk and Skull get taken by the police, little Kat and Tommy have to break them out. How will they do that??? Oh it's the old, one kid on the other kid's shoulders in  trench coat to look like an adult. Then they have an old Carl Winslow looking bastard that can't see to make that actually work... Jesus!!!

Anyway, Vile comes up with a plan for Rito and Goldar to plant a bomb at the Command Center while a gang of monsters get ready at the Moon Palace to attack Angel Grove. The little rangers head to the Command Center on foot while Goldar and Rito follow them......uhhh, can't they just teleport there??? Anyway, what's even worse is the reason why Zordon and Alpha can't find the rangers and haven't been, is because the system at the Command Center has been turned off??? By what you say?? Not because of Vile's spell or some great power surge....but because they had the F&*^IN' VACUUM plunged in instead of the console.....*breathes* Anyway the power the system back up and find the rangers. They teleport them there and have a heartfelt reunion...awwwww. So...with no Power Rangers to defend the Earth, the little rangers question Zordon on what to do. Both Alpha and Zordon mention the Alien Rangers of Aquitar who can help and the reason why Zordon hasn't called on them ye is because they cant survive on the Earth' surface like Aquitar, which is covered completely in water. Alpha and Zordon take the risk, especially when Rocky mentions how they help Dex and the Edenites that one time....uhh huh...and where has he and Count Dregon been this whole time??? O_o Anyway, they send a distress signal to Aquitar as the Alien Rangers begin to answer the call. But outside of the Command Center, Rito and Goldar begin to plant the bomb....dun, dun, dun, whatever!!! God, this episode was one of the most boring of the series and a terrible introduction to the mini-series. I hate everything about it and for an episode called "Alien Rangers of Aquitar", we barely see them...literally...just lame all around!!!

Final Morph: D- 


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