Season 3, Episode 20: Changing of The Zords, Part 2

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"Changing of The Zords, Part 2"
Episode 20
Air Date: November 1st, 1995

Well, this episode was just superb!!! Making the villains look not only competent but vicious as they actually put one of the ranger's life in danger for the first time.As the rangers struggle to find out what to do about Kimberly, her missing power coin, the Falconzord and Ninjor, the next phase of the villains plans continue as Lord Zedd plans to have the rangers pilot the new ancient zords that Finster has discovered, thanks to Rito mentioning it. So with Tommy frustrated over Kimberly's weakened state, the other guys try to make him feel better. Meanwhile, Kat is sneaking around and just enjoying what's going on as the rangers have no idea that she's involved with their recent defeat.

As Kimberly continues to be in a deep sleep, Lord Zedd summons a monster, FangKenstien, to lure the rangers out in a fight while he lures a severely weakened Kimberly to save Kat. When the monster attacks, the rangers are contacted by Zordon to morph and fight it. As Lord Zedd and Rita laugh in glee os their plan working, Kimberly wakes up from her sleep to see the rangers fighting FangKenstien. But soon after, they witness Kat being atacked by Tengas. As Zordon and Alpha warn her of the dangers of her going out there alone without her power coin, Kimberly confidently takes the risk to save her friend as Zordon commends her for being a true Power Ranger. Kimberly, asking Alpha to teleport her there to conserve energy, morphs into her ninja form and begins to fight the Tengas, as Kat backs away to enjoy seeing Kimberly struggle to fight. She finally collapses due to her powers weakening again and Kat actually looks concerned for her for one second.

Goldar arrives and the Tengas back off as Kimberly demorphs and he taunts her as he teleports away with her. Meanwhile, as the rangers continue to fight FangKenstien, he teleports off just as he was winning the fight; to the rangers' speculation of why he did so. Back at the Command Center, the rangers figure out it was all a set up to get Kimberly captured by Lord Zedd. As they try to locate her, Lord Zedd taps into the Viewing Globe and demands that they teleport him to the Command Center or Kimberly's life with be at stake. While everyone is hesitates to bring him there, they ultimately decide to because of Kimberly. I have to stay I LOVE the set u here with Lord Zedd entering the Command Center, with everything shaking inside before he appears on his throne. The score is also pretty chilling for a kid's show!!! O_o Once there, Lord Zedd demands the rangers pilot his new zords or he will basically kill Kimberly as we see her life energy being drained from her in the Viewing Globe. With the rangers ultimately putting their decision in the hands of Tommy their leader, the episode concludes in a very dramatic fashion.

Part 2 was an even stronger outing than the last as I love seeing the villains continue to outsmart the rangers and set up the ultimate dilemma for them. It's such an awesome turn of events and Kat's manipulation of the rangers is just so much fun to watch. I'm gonna give this episode an "A"....

Final Morph: A


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