Season 3, Episode 27: Another Brick In the Wall

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"Another Brink In A Wall"
Episode 27
Air Date: November 13, 1995

Ehhhh....well, this was a hard episode to sit through. The writers really are getting lazy again by going back to Season 1/2 type of episode structures which is sad because this season had been a surprising improvement over that. Katherine's character also suffers here, I mean not really, it's just by her becoming the head of building homes for the homeless, she's becoming as generically good as the rangers were the first two seasons. I noticed there have been much less stories of that late with the rangers doing some kind of volunteering and charity work that most normal teenagers wouldn't do. I mean I just find the plot kind of a snorefest as it really does bore the hell out of me.

Also this episode follows the same structure of some of Season 3's earlier episodes: one or more rangers gets turned into something leaving one or more of the other rangers to turn them back to normal. I mean at least it isn't Rocky again but it's kind of an annoying habit. The only thing I can say good about the episode is Billy gets some time in the spotlight, especially when the monster of the week, Brick Bully..............oh lord......goes on a rampage only he can stop while Katherine and Alpha try to transform the others back to normal from colored bricks. It's nice that what looked like it was gonna be a Katherine focused episode turned into Billy ending up saving the day; especially considering Billy hasn't gotten ANY focus this season. But of course that will change with Zeo next season!

The battle between the rangers and Brick Bully ends with Billy using his Blue Shogun Zord to destroy him in a zord fight while Katherine restores the other rangers back to normal with what she learned in her construction class. Apparently pollution breaks down bricks....good to know I guess. The episode concludes with Katherine wining an award for her hard work at the construction sight that the Mayor gives to her. Sigh, overall, "Another Brick In The Wall" falls hard....kinda like brick too. Ha! :)

Final Morph: D-


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