Season 3, Episode 7: Ninja Quest, Part 4

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"Ninja Quest, Part 4"
Episode 7
Air Date: September 14th, 1995

With the rangers' new powers, they call on their Ninja zords for the first time in this cool posing summoning sequence. As Rito is in shock that the rangers are back, which I don't understand, he should have known they were coming, each zord attacks him one by one with their individual attacks. Soon, all the Ninja zords form into the Ninja Megazord and it uses it Wolf fist and Ape Fist to disarm his weapons. Soon the Falconzord comes to form the Ninja Mega Falconzord as Rito soon follows them into the sky. After the Ninja Mega Falconzord kicks him down, it goes for it's double fist finisher and they defeat Rito; who seemingly gets away.

As Lord Zedd is pissed at Rito for failing, Rita and Rito remind him of the Vampyrus egg outside of Ninjor's Temple.Soon the eggs hatches and Vampyrus hears a message from Lord Zedd to destroy Ninjor and his temple to destroy the rangers' new powers. While the rangers help Alpha fix the Command Center, the alarms go off as he senses a disturbance happening. As Alpha checks Angel Grove suburbs and the Youth Center, it seems that there's going on to set off the alarms. Alpha even checks for disturbance in space but there's nothing so they will keep an eye on things. Back outside Ninjor's temple, Vampyrus demands he comes out and Ninjor does so; telling him that the vil of Lord Zedd will not dare touch his temple. Lord Zedd and Rita then combine their staffs to make him grow and he does so. Ninjor also grows and begins to fight the monster, uses his various ninja powers to avoid as well as maneuver around him to plant his attacks. But soon the Vampyrus uses his powers to change the appearance of the area that begins to weaken him; which pisses off Ninjor to transform into an alternate of his to continue the fight against Vampyrus.

Meanwhile at the Command Center, Zordon finally finds out the disturbance is coming from and tells the rangers to go help Ninjor. The rangers morph and after some random threat from Aisha, they call on their Ninja Zords again. They form the Ninja Megazord and help Ninjor battle the monster. Once they form the Ninja Mega Falconzord, Ninjor goes for his finishing attack while the rangers go for the Ninja Mega Falconzord's double fist finisher (Yes, I know that sounds dirty!!! :P) and destroy Vampyrus is destroyed. After that Zordon congratulates the rangers and also shows them the Viewing Globe where Ninjor thanks the rangers as well as tells them he will appear whenever the rangers need him as they just have to call his name.

Meanwhile, during all of this, Bulk and Skull are being pushed relentlessly by Lt. Stone during their training at the Junior Police Academy, but by surprise, they actually pass and graduate!! O_O The rangers and Ernie even attend the graduation ceremony to support them as they seem grateful for the teens and Ernie to be there. It's a nice little moment showing that the relationship between the teens and their former bullies is maturing. Overall, "Ninja Quest", all 4 parts, was MUCH more appropriate introduction to the shows new evolution with a new villain in Rito Revolto, new powers, new zords and new ally in Ninjor. I enjoyed it from start to finish! :)

Final Morph: B+


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