Season 3, Episode 6: Ninja Quest, Part 3

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"Ninja Quest, Part 3"
Episode 6
Air Date: September 13th, 1995

I have to say, it's always cool seeing the rangers receive new powers!!! No matter how silly or contrived the show can get, when the show evolves, it's always exciting and changes up the status quo nicely. Ninjor, Dudly Duright voice not withstanding, is an interesting new character who will soon become an ally of the rangers throughout the season. I like how he blows off the rangers after their plea for new powers and zords before he realizes how honest and true their spirits are in wanting to use the power for good. The Ninja granting ceremony is a nice sequence as the teens are given new ninja outfits (the same from the movie that same year); then soon after are issued their individual zords. Rocky is given the Ape Ninjazord, Aisha is given the Bear Ninjazord, Kimberly is given the Crane Ninjazord, Adam is given the Frog Ninjazord ("I'm a frog" *cough*), Billy is given the Wolf Ninjazord and finally, Tommy is given the Falcon Ninjazord. In their time of need, Ninjor says they can combine their zords to make the Ninja Mega Falconzord.

As the zord issuing ceremony draws to a close, Ninjor warns the rangers that Angel Grove is under attack as well as the temple, with the Tenga Warriors still trying to find their way in. The rangers become one with their zords (Don't ask it's Power Rangers!!!) and proceed to exit the temple to battle the Tengas. What follows is an excellent first fight with the rangers in their ninja forms vs the Tengas. The fight choreography is sensational with each ranger displaying some awesome moves to defeat the Tengas. I really like, well I've always loved Ninja suits as they gave the rangers abilities outside their usual ranger suits as Kimberly displays by moving so fast she dodge a Tenga's attack with ease in a nice effect that has surprisingly aged well for over 20 years.

Meanwhile, at the Junior Police Academy, as Bulk and Skull finish their registration, we are introduced to Lt. Stone, who will be over seeing their training. Of course, Bulk and Skull don't take things seriously even after the shock of getting their hair cut and the training they have to go through as Lt. Stone yells at them and is even annoying by their incompetent training during their exercises. I mean I'm not surprised as this will become their new shtick this season by how many times they can annoy him.

Meanwhile, back at the Command Center, Alpha and Zordon finally regain visuals of the rangers in the Desert of Despair and are astonished to see them have their new ninja powers as well as seeing the Tengas there. Meanwhile Lord Zedd has sent Rito back to Angel Grove to destroy the city before the rangers can arrive with their new powers. As the fight between the ninja rangers and Tengas draw to a close, the Tengas fly away in defeat as the rangers celebrate getting their new powers. Ninjor returns to join them and congratulate them on a job well done. The rangers then morph from their ninja forms into their ranger forms for the first time as they prepare to battle Rito again in Angel Grove. But as Ninjor disappears, the Vampyrus egg begins to hatch..... Overall, Part 3 maybe my favorite episode of this 4 part episode as we finally get to see the rangers get and use their new powers. Like I said, I love their ninja powers and how they are first displayed in this first fight with the Tengas. Now on to the final 4th part!! :)

Final Morph: A-


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