Season 2, Episode 37: Forever Friends
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"Forever Friends"
Episode 37
Air Date: November 28th, 1994
Now this episode establishes more details from one of the rangers' past, this time, Aisha again, who's friend Shawna come into town but is all rude and bitter because she believes Aisha has moved on since she left Stone Canyon and now a new best friend in Kimberly. Though I don't by that Kimberly and Aisha have become such fast friends, let alone best friends when Aisha, Rocky and Adam are sill pretty new to the team as well as Angel Grove. But it's nice to see Aisha in such a typical teen dilemma as well as Kimberly feeling out of place in this situation. I just wish when Shawn and Kimberly got kidnapped they would of done more with the writing there. I mean sure, Kimberly and Shawna relate by talking about their parents' getting divorced but wouldn't it have Kimberly had mention that her last best friend in all the way in a different country and she misses her a lot aka Trini!!?? O_o I mean of all the times they could have dropped that bomb, they chose not too. I mean I'm glad they remembered the continuity with Kimberly's parents splitting up and trust me, I know that sucks but mentioning Trini at that moment during their captivity would have been more effective in my book. Oh well, another missed opportunity....
As for the monster of the day, I loved the Jaws of Destruction's design but he wasn't much of a match for the rangers. I'm still getting tired of the rangers not being about to interact with the monster directly unless it's a megazord fight. It's just so lame. I mean the morphed Putty fights aren't bad at all and are passable but I wish the writers found more creative ways of seeing the rangers fight the monsters face to face instead of indirectly. The zord fight was cool though. I love seeing zord fights in different parts of the day, this time with the rangers engaging in a battle with Jaws of Destruction at sunset. The shots were just beautiful as those Sentai directors really know how to make their shows look dramatic and fresh from normal.
As for Dumb and Dumber, they think they can create jet packs to follow the rangers and uncover their identities. Seriously, how do Bulk and Skull know about jetting anyway??? O_o Also, that jetting stuff is just lame, I can't stand it. I rather them just teleport instead of seeing the Zyuranger suits fly around. lol Anyway, "Forever Friends" is a decent, if not average episode. Usual bad acting aside (seriously, that initial scene Aisha running back into Shawna was a nightmare of bland and emotionless emoting!!! lol), it was nice see Kimberly getting to involved Aisha's dilemma and being able to resolve it on her own. It shows a bit of character development from Kim as well as that she is evolving beside her valley girl ways. Nice! :)
Final Morph: C
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