Season 2, Episode 45: Return of the Green Ranger, Part 2

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"Return of the Green Ranger, Part 2"
Episode 45
Air Date: February 21st, 1995

Well we've finally come to the main event of the multiparter where both Tommys or should I say the new White Ranger and the evil Green Ranger face off.....and it's...a decent fight, though I think it had too many flip kicks if you ask me. lol But it's just cool seeing both suits go at it as well as two different incarnations of Tommy. It makes me really appreciate and miss the Green Ranger; not that the White Ranger isn't great. Though I wish the Wizard of Deception didn't interfere with the fight and knock out Tommy. I wanted to see the fight go on longer and maybe have some viewers of Angel Grove watching in astonishment. Also wouldn't it have been great to see the Dragonzord and White Tiger Thunderzord  go at it??? If I remember correctly, Part 3 will give us a bit of that so figures crossed. Also what was up with the Green Ranger randomly going to the Command Center. I just couldn't take that it was just reused footage from the "Green With Evil" Saga as you can see all the damaged consoles but then seeing them all back to normal when Alpha reappears after raondmly disappearing. Oh this season with the poor editing!!!

Meanwhile, up at the Moon Palace, Lord Zedd and Rita's marriage continues to be hysterical!!! I just love see these two go at it, especially Rita trying to manipulate Zedd to gain power. But no moment was more priceless than Lord Zedd confessing to Rita he wanted to have a baby!!! Rita's reaction is just perfect as she screams, shrieks and quickly runs away to order Finster to do something about this by making another potion. I'm just enjoying what the writers are doing so far with the villains by starting to turn them into one dysfunctional family. It's light-hearted cheesiness but it's overall fun to watch.

Meanwhile, back in time, the other rangers befriend a noble woman named Marissa as they tell her where they are from. I just find the Marissa character bizarre as she's so accepting of the rangers and how they just appeared instead of being more curious, cautious and worrisome of her own safety. Also, the forced romance they are making between her and Adam just doesn't sit well with me. I guess it's kinda cute but it's so random as they run around holding hands and looking all in love with each other...blah!!! Also, did they have to shove Bulk and Skull into the past to by having the rangers run into their ancestors??? It's just not funny!!! But I did enjoy the Wizard of Deception coming back to the past as well to cause more trouble for the rangers by turning a couple of rats into monsters for the rangers to worry about now. Overall, "Part 2" is pretty great!!! I enjoyed the fight between the Green Ranger and White Ranger but like I said it was far too short. I liked the continued new dynamic with the villains and the rangers' adventure 200 years into the past is fun for the most part! :)

Final Morph: B+


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