Season 3, Episode 31: Master Vile and The Metallic Armor, Part 3
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"Master Vile and The Metallic Armor, Part 3"
Episode 31
Air Date: November 22nd, 1995
Well, the stage has been set for the final battle with Master Vile and his Blue Globber as the villains celebrate the End of the World, the rangers try to figure out how to find and get their zords back. While Kat, Tommy and Rocky check out the party, the rest of the rangers will try to pin point the location of the zords. I love the scene at the party as the villains and monster force the people of Angel Grove to serve them and dance until the world ends. They're so confident, they don't even bother with the rangers when they see them as they already think they won. When Billy locates the zords, the others return to the Command Center. It turns out there are on a planet in the M51 galaxy and have been turned to rust because of the planet's conditions. They must journey to the planet and brak the bond between Master Vile and the Zeo Crystal before he destroys the Earth with it.
As the rangers teleport to the planet, the villains and monster continue to party; unbeknownst of the rangers' plans. They arrive on the planet and see the zords way up high and approach them, Billy looking for the emergency toe entrance. Because the deep rust, the rangers have to use their blade blasters to cut through it and open the door. As the rangers make their entrance and way to the Zeo Crystal, Master Vile begins using it's power to begin destroying the city. As the rangers make their way to the crystal, they realize they must destroy it but must break the bond between it and Vile first. They use the combined strength of their Power Coins to do so, but it's not enough. They concentrate again and finally break the bond; returning to Earth with their zords. As Vile is about to activate the crystal again, he realizes his powers been cut off from the crystal and orders the Globber monster to finish off the rangers.
What comes next is an epic battle royal of megazords and Falconzord vs the Globber monster who begins to feed off their power again and use it to transform in a hybrid of the Alien Rangers.....whoops....too soon, writers!!!! Anyway, the Globber fights the rangers; leaving the rangers with no choice but to fight back even if Ninjor gets hurt in the process. Meanwhile, Alpha figures out how to reverse Vile's eclipse, as it will severely weaken the monster. He does so and the monster does weaken, giving Ninjor enough strength to escape. A pissed off Vile grows and fight along side his monster as the rangers create a new configuration with the Shogun Megazord and Falconzord join to create the Shogun Mega Falconzord. Which is just SICK!!! :) All the zords, including Ninjor in Battle Mode attack the Globber destroying it. With Master Vile left, the Ninja Mega Falconzord is formed to finish him off, only he's too powerful and escapes; mentioning the rangers and Ninjor haven't seen the last of him.
Gotta love how Zedd and Rita mock him for not being able to destroy the Power Rangers and how difficult it is. Of course, Vile is confident and only believes it was only one failure since both Lord Zedd and Rita have been defeated by the rangers hundreds of times. He vows it is not the end of Vile as he sets out to make his next plan. With the Zeo Crystal in the rangers' hands, they quickly morph into their Metallic Armor....sigh....and plan to destroy it. But because the crystal is so powerful (Man, wouldn't it be awesome if that had the Zeo Crystal as an alternative power source??? ;), Zordon has opened portals in time for the rangers to break the crystal into it's sub parts and spread it throughout time. Awww, man!!! :( Anyway, the episode concludes with the rangers going back to horse back riding with Lt. Stone and the idiots. Overall, these past 3 episodes were some of the best of not only the season but the show so far. Master Vile proved to be a formidable villain and I loved the introduction of the Zeo Crystal and how it will play a much better role in the franchise very soon!!! :)
Final Morph: A-
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