Season 1, Episode 20: Green With Evil, Part 4

"Green With Evil, Part 4"
Episode 20
Air Date: October 8, 1993
I think what I'm loving about these episodes is that the longer the fight goes against the Green Ranger, the more the rangers lose!!! There's no Zordon, Alpha can barely hold the rangers together and the Command Center keeps having issues. The episode begins with the rangers about to morph and face Goldar but because the power surge as the Command Center computer looks for Zordon, the rangers can't at the moment! Cool! As Goldar continues to destroy the city, everyone at the Youth Center runs out of the building...including Bulk and Skull. At least their point of the episode has a purpose this time as they are put in danger when they steal the Youth Center bus and get taken by a giant Goldar. Even when lives are in danger these two are selfish, GOD!!!
Anyway, back at the Command Center, Billy gets an idea to find a way to fix the computer and allow the rangers to morph. Gotta love Zack telling Alpha to pretty much shut up so Billy can concentrate! ha! When the system is functional again, the rangers are able to morph and head out to a squad of Putties at Goldar's location. Scorpina shows up and this is a MUCH better intro fight for her character and I love the effect of her sting attack! But like I said, Goldar takes Bulk and Skull as Rita tells them to bring them to the beach.
Meanwhile, Tommy is practicing his moves in the other dimension and eventually makes his way back to the Command Center. He shuts off Alpha this time and messes with one of the panel's again to make Zordon disappear for good just as Alpha was finally getting him back. I love how Alpha reboots and traps Tommy in a force field. The little guy has become quite resourceful in the absence of his big headed boss. Back at the beach, the rangers finally call their zords after...not for the past few minutes when Goldar was stomping around...but anyway. I love how when the rangers jump right into their zords, they always have to spout out some dumb catch phrase. Almost 20 episodes of this people! Once the megazord is formed, Squatt, Baboo and the Putties push the bus off the another draft of the script, Bulk and Skull die and the rangers secretly rejoice!!! Anyway, the rangers save them and put them down. A really intense megazord fight begins with Goldar and a giant Scorpina in monster form (an AWESOME monster form by the way!) kicking the rangers' asses. Rita begins her spell to eclipse the sun and the megazord begins losing power. Luckily, with the summoning of the Power Sword are able to recover a little and draw Scorpina and Goldar back!
Back at the Command Center, Green Ranger gloats about sending Zordon away for good and that Alpha is next! Wow! Alpha is about to uncover his true identity when Rita summons him and he frustratingly escapes. Rita makes him grow and we get our first giant sized ranger! AWE-SOME!!! So now it's 3 against the megazord and the megazord gets f%^&ed up. The combined might of Scorpina's sting and Goldar as well as the Green Ranger's blast knocks the rangers out of their megazord. The ground opens and the megazord is destroyed right in front of the rangers' eyes. Bad acting ensues from the teens and we now are left with a scene where Jason has to encourage the rangers to keep fighting even though now they lost their mentor AND zords now! I like Alpha also coming into to keep the rangers motivated and focused on their mission. It's the first time we've gotten this hope in the face of defeat scene from the franchise and I love every moment we get it! It's the essence of why the Power Rangers are true heroes. Not because their powers, weapons or zords, but their willingness to keep fighting when it seems like they have nothing to fight for. As cliffhangers go, this is the best one of the mini series as the rangers and Alpha finally gets to find out who the Green Ranger is. I bet Kimberly is still turned on by Tommy even if the revolution is shocking to everyone else! lol
Awesome episode!! Love the fights, love the tension, love the reveal of the Green Ranger's identity and I could hear that evil Green Ranger laugh ALL. THE. TIME!!! :) *Faints* I also love the bits of character development for Billy and Jason. Billy becoming more technically useful when it comes to the Command Center and Jason showing why he is the leader of the team by making sure the team never gives up! Excellent writing! Best episode so far this season!!
Final Morph: A
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