Season 4, Episode 8: The Puppet Blaster

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"The Puppet Blaster"
Episode 8
Air Date: May 1st, 1996

Ehhh, an episode dealing with annoying kids being mind controlled??? Oh God make it stop. If that wasn't bad enough, we get a side plot with Bulk and Skull looking after Lt. Stone's nephew who turns out to be more annoying than the two idiots watching him. I mean I'm sorry when it comes to kids on this show, usually the actors suck and a whole room full of them does not help. Anyway, Ernie is hosting a show called Captain Pete for kids at the Youth Center when King Mondo gets the idea to brainwash the kids by creating a frequency that will make them out of control and worship him. Awww, the things we do for world domination???

To do this, Mondo sends the Cogs to the show to put a device on Captain Pete's sidekick, The Puppetman, turning the robot into a monster and having him begin to transmit the frequency to the kids so he has control over the kids. Once under his control, Puppetman has the kids go out of control and start attacking the set as well as the adults. When Tommy, Rocky and Kat witness this, they contact Zordon and have Billy see if he can try to break the hold on the kids. Meanwhile, Adam and Tanya are "training" while they get the call by the other rangers about what's going on and teleport to the Youth Center. As soon as they arrive, the 5 morph and face off against Puppetman, only he has the kids used as a shield so he can get away. The rangers soon teleport to the Power Chamber.

As Billy tries to figure out how to stop Puppetman's control over the kids, he introduces a new weapon to the rangers: The Defender Wheel. The rangers morph back into action and use the Defender Wheel against Puppetman to defeat him. But one again, Clank and Orbis make the monster grow and the rangers have no choice but to call on their Zeo Zords. They form the Zeo Megazord and after Billy contacting to tell them about Puppetman's weakness, they destroy his nose then him to break the spell over the kids. As the kids return to normal, Bulk and Skull are relieved but still scared of Lt. Stone's nephew. As the Captain Pete show continues (with a repaired Puppetman), the rangers are also relieved everything is back to normal. Lt. Stone's nephew gets a pie in the face for saying the secret word of the day. Hilarious...hahahaha.....-_- I didn't care for this episode at all. I think it's actually the weakest episode so far this season. Once again, child actors on Power Rangers don't mix and I was either bored or annoyed with most of this episode!!! -_-

Final Morph: D+


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