Season 3, Episode 33: Rangers In Reverse

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"Rangers In Reverse"
Episode 33
Air Date: November 27th, 1995

Well, that seemed like a quick conclusion for the episode that officially ends the season. So lets just get to it. It's Katherine's birthday and the rangers want to surprise her by going to far. But when it comes to the villains, Master Vile is coming up with his most diabolical scheme yet that involves a sphere. A sphere so powerful that when he summons it, Alpha and Zordon are very concerned when they feel its evil presence all the way on Earth.

As the rangers surprise Katherine at the fair, Master Vile reveals that what's in the sphere is the Crystal of Doom, a powerful artifact he will us to stop the Earth's motion and reverse time to revert the rangers back into being children....OH GOD, NOT THIS IDEA AGAIN!!! -_- Uhhhh, anyway, at the fair as the rangers are having fun, Zordon contacts them to tell them about what's going on with the current situation as they teleport to the Command Center and get briefed. Apparently, Vile put Rito in charge of placing the crystal near Angel Grove and the rangers have to no choice but to stop him. The rangers morph and have to split the team when the Tengas go for the people at the fair. As  Tommy, Kat and Rocky try to stop Rito, Aisha, Billy and Adam handle the Tengas handing for the fair, even calling for their stupid Metallic Armor when the  Tengas are too tough to handle again. But Tommy, Kat and Rocky are too late as Rito sets down the Crystal of Doom in it's rightful place. As the villains disappear, Tommy tries to get the Crystal but it's power is too strong for him to right as they head back to the fair. Aisha, Adam and Billy, feeling the earthquake as the crystal activates, heads for the fair as well.

Alpha and Zordon bare witness to the rangers defeat as Master Vile initiates the spell that will activate the Crystal of Doom. As he says the incantation, the rangers arrive unmorphed at the fair (Which I don't get for some reason! O_o) and watch as the spell begins. As the Earth stops spinning, it begins to turn the opposite way, turning the citizens of Angel Grove into children, from the rangers to Lt. Stone and Bulk and Skull, etc. As this happens, everyone runs away from the fair as the villains arrive and grow to relish in their defeat of the rangers....seemingly ending the run of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.....Overall, for the final episode of the MMPR series, it was pretty good, outside the rush feeling of it and the metallic armor. But what happens next if MMPR is over...well, look forward to my Mighty Morphin' Alien Ranger mini-series continuation of the story! :)

Final Morph: C+


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