Season 2, Episode 51: Wild West Rangers, Part 2

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"Wild West Rangers, Part 2"
Episode 51
Air Date: May 9th, 1995

Well, it's time for a showdown when Kimberly and the western ancestors of her friends are cornered by Goldar, Needle Nose and the Putties. As Kimberly tells the ancestors to run away, Kimberly faces off against Goldar and the rest of Zedd's forces. She hopes she can morphs and she does......which is bizarre because last time the rangers were sent into the past they couldn't morph but I guess because of the time hole she can??? O_O I don't know!!! Kimberly fights off Zedd's forces as best as she can until she comes up with an idea to teleport to the Command Center. Turns out since the Command Center has been there for thousands of years in Angel Grove she manages to teleport to there. Past Alpha and Zordon are shocked but soon recognize her as a Power Ranger. In a nice bit of continuity, she mentions Rita had the Green Power Coin at this point but needs the other 5. What follows is the infamous line of Zordon telling Kimberly she can't uses the Pink Power Coin because "too much pink energy is dangerous"......yes.....really!? O_o

In the present, Zordon and Alpha come to the conclusion that certain particles outside of time can help them access a visual of where Kim is and how they might be able to help her. Meanwhile, in the past, Kimberly gives four of the Power Coins to Abraham, Rocko, Ms. Alicia and William; telling them how she first became a Power Ranger and she wasn't sure she could be a hero but knowing that they can do it. Back in the present, Billy uses a device to use the particles to see into the past; they first see Bulk and Skull's ancestors, then Kimberly as well as their own ancestors to which Zordon confirms they were the first humans to become the Power Rangers. Nice!! Back in town, Kimberly and the ancestors plan to confront Goldar and Needle Nose but are ambushed by some Putties unfortunately. While Kimberly fights off the Putties, the other 4 do their best to fight them off as well in their cheesy western type of way. Soon they are aided by the arrival of the White Stranger, who kicks some Putty ass before reintroducing himself to the others.

As Goldar and Needle Nose appear, Kimberly tells them "it's time" as the ancestors and her morph. I got to say the wardrobe designers did a nice job turning the Zyuranger suits into western style suits. Neat!!! Kimberly and the other Wild West Rangers take care of the Putties before they square off with Goldar and Needle Nose. Needle Nose paralyzes the White Stranger with a needle blast; leaving both sides to finish things off in a draw. The rangers quickly takes out their blasters and shoot both Goldar and Needle Nose; blasting them back to the present. As the White Stranger recovers, Kimberly and especially the ancestors celebrate in a cheesy hoe down.

Back in the present, Lord Zedd and Rita pissed as Goldar suggests they unleash the monster on Angel Grove. Meanwhile, back at the Command Center, Billy gets an idea to use three communicators to try to reopen a time hole and send Kimberly back home. But when Needle Nose begins his attack, Tommy and Rocky morph into action to stop him. As Lord Zedd makes him grow, Rocky and Tommy summon their zords. Unfortunately, when the Red Dragonzord and Tigerzord aren't enough to stop Needle Nose, the other rangers stop what they are doing and morph to summon their own zords. They form the Mega Tigerzord and use the Firebird finisher to destroy him. As Lord Zedd and Rita become upset over their loss, Billy manages to use the three communicators to bring Kimberly back to the present safe and sound. Meanwhile, back in 1880, the teen ancestors are continuing celebrating their victory in Kimberly's honor as the White Stranger is thanked by Ernie and rides off into the sunset....but not before running into Kimberly's own ancestor. Overall, this was another fun two parter with the whole western adventure. Next up!? The final episode of the season! Yay!!! :)

Final Morph: B+


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