Season 3, Episode 18: A Ranger Catastrophe, Part 2

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"A Ranger Catastrophe, Part 2"
Episode 18
Air Date: October 17th, 1995

As far as Part 2's go, this was fairly decent! Though I'm kind of annoyed that the beginning fight scene was just reused footage they used in "Ninja Quest, Part 4". It made the fight between Rito and the rangers pretty predictable with it being a fight we've seen before. Meanwhile, Kat return to Rita in her cat form after Tommy passes out in the other dimension. Rito returns after getting defeated by the rangers as the other rangers head back to the Command Center to figure out how to save Tommy. Meanwhile, Goldar is sent to the other dimension to destroy Tommy, now that he separated from the other rangers. Rita appears to Tommy and taunts him about asking where Katherine is and how Kimberly would feel about it. Harsh dude!!! O_0 Tommy morphs and demands Rita tell him where she is before Rita teleports away and orders Goldar to finish him off.

Meanwhile, the rangers are still working on pin point Tommy's location when Billy manages to do so.  They see Tommy is in trouble but are unable to teleport him out of there. Billy gets an idea to make a device that will allow him to do so by him and Adam heading to his garage to start working on it. But Rita has another plan in mind by sending Kat in a feline monster form to destroy the rangers. The Cat monster ambushes Billy and Adam as they morph. As they struggle to fight her, Billy contacts the other rangers. They morph and help them defeat the monster as she retreats. With Tommy's life still at stake, Adam and Billy head to his garage while the others head back to the Command Center. Meanwhile, Rito joins Goldar in fighting Tommy as he begins to struggle with fighting the both of them; losing Saba in the process.

Back at the Command Center, as the rangers watch Tommy struggle to survive, Rocky tells Billy to hurry up on the device. Billy manages to finish the device in time as he and Adam teleport back to the Command Center. As Billy places the device into one of the consoles at the Command Center, there is a strong chance Tommy and Katherine might be lost either way even if they try to free them.  But as Tommy is about to be destroyed by Goldar, the rangers take a chance and form a circle to channel their powers to make the device work. How....why......I must have not been playing attention??? O_o Anyway, it works and Tommy is teleported back just in time to the other rangers' relief.

Lord Zedd is all pissed and mad since the plan didn't work so he sends Kat back in her monster form to destroy the city. The rangers receive word of the monster attacking, morph in action and prepare to fight her. As the rangers beat her, Lord Zedd and Rita make her grow. The rangers call on their zords as Ninjor appears to help out of no where.....who the hell called him though??? O_o Zordon?? Alpha??? Anyway, Ninjor and the Ninja Mega Falconzord combine forces to destroy the Feline monster. But it turns out Kat survived the attack, to Lord Zedd's glee. Katherin tells the rangers what happened to her and how she escaped; becoming the teens' new friend. So no one is gonna ask more questions about her??? O_o Anyway, PC appears but things don't look good for our heroes as her eyes glow. Another solid episode if you ask me in this arc and I hope it only continues to get better! :)

Final Morph:


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