Season 2, Episode 41: The Wedding, Part 1

"The Wedding, Part 1"
Episode 41
Air Date: February 13th, 1995

So now we are getting a bit of plot movement again as the teens are off and away in Australia while Lord Zedd is off recharging his evil; apparently every 100 years or so. This once again was done primarily was done because the cast and crew were off in Australia shooting "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie". But I think it was a great idea to bring back Rita!!! For one, Zedd hasn't been doing so well lately with his battles against the rangers. He's had more loses than victories at this point and hell I believe Rita had more wins over the rangers during last season than Zedd had during this season. I mean if it wasn't for her, the Green Ranger's powers wouldn't have been lost forever; giving Zedd the advantage he needed to destroy those powers for good. So it's nice seeing an old villain that we thought was gone and make a delicious come back by orchestrating her own plans to not only get revenge on Zedd but destroy the rangers as well. Though, it's funny how Rita's dumpster keeps coming back to this galaxy! Lol Seems like no matter what Zedd and the rangers do, they just can't send her away for good.

Meanwhile, I like the set of the old theater that the rangers become trapped in. It looks eerie and creepy all at once. I can't wait to see more of it in Part 2 and 3. I also love Rita's plan of putting Lord Zedd under a love spell to make him hers. It's more of a deceptive plan than out right than plan revenge as she will get to rule beside him as Queen of the universe.

Also, I got to say I love evil Alpha!!! The way he just messes with Zordon and creates such chaos in the Command Center is just hilarious. I can't wait to see more of that. What I don't need more of??? You guessed it! Bulk and Skull!!! I mean these guys even tag along with the teens on a trip half way across the world for what?? Just to ditch them!!! Please!!! Oh and we get yet another episode where old monsters return to fight the rangers. It's really becoming tired and a boring plot twist.  The production team really wore those suits out!!! O_o Either way, "The Wedding, Part 1" is a great set for the next phase of the show as Rita makes her way to becoming one of the main villains again. It turned out to be one of the best episodes in a while and I hope the following parts can maintain this momentum and get even better! :)

Final Morph: B+


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