Season 2, Episode 27: The Power Transfer, Part 1

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"The Power Transfer, Part 1"
Episode 27
Air Date: November 8th, 1994

After his writing debut with the franchise with "Welcome To Venus Island", we get a more proper introduction to the man who would become the most well known and celebrated head writer/producer of the Power Rangers franchise: Judd "Chip" Lynn, making the first part of "The Power Transfer" feeling more like an actual event than the terribly lackluster multi-parter we got last time with "The Ninja Encounter".  "The Power Transfer" really ups the stakes of the series as half the rangers' team embark on a final mission to find a very powerful sword in the depths of space on a very distant, deserted planet in hopes of transferring Jaso, Zack and Trini's powers to three new rangers. c. Hmmmm, the rangers traveling to a distant planet on a mission??? You can tell Judd Lynn already had a plan in mind for future seasons ahead!! ;) I like that this is the first time that the rangers travel to a new world on a mission as it's just fun and different visually for a kids' show. But then again are you really surprised that three of the rangers were chosen for the World Peace Conference since they always spent their time doing charity work like recycling, stopping pollution, etc. Blah!!!

Also, I have to mention Jonthan Tzachor, the episode's director, who would also go on to be head writer/executive producer for several seasons of Power Rangers as well. But while his quality of writing and producing was questionable during those seasons, his direction here is visually stunning. I love the look of the deserted planet; looking like some futuristic, nightmare-ish world, drench in red and orange tint on the camera lense, the dead trees, the deserted cities, the floating metallic balls, etc. It all works to look like the Sentai material that they are adapting as well as looking very polished and professional. I love the wide shots of the planet as the rangers go on search for the Sword of Light and how ominous this look as they are on this dangerous, unfamiliar adventure.  There is also this one shot where the rangers are approaching the statue that has the Sword of Light on it, that just looks gorgeous. Seriously, Tzachor should have just stuck with being a director for the show as he is really a pro behind the camera. :)

This episode also marks the debut of Lord Zedd's own zord and my god, is that thing massive!!! Serpentra is like 10 times the size of a regular Megazord as that shot of all 5 zords flying next to it; showing the drastic size between was just terrifying but also impressive.  I liked that Jason said behind to fend off Serpentra so that the rangers could go off and get the sword, but that fight scene was brutal to watch. The Red Dragon Thunderzord is barely bigger than Serpentra's feet as it looks up at the enormous zord that is MUCH larger than most skyscrapers.  Of course, during the battle Jason has to call Tor, the Carrier zord to come help but even the combined forces of both zords aren't able to stop this thing. It makes me wonder why Zedd is just unleashing this powerful zord/weapon now when it's apparently strong enough to decimate an entire planet!!! Wouldn't that have been the best opening strategy when you first took over Rita's Moon Palace??? O_o I'm guessing Part 2 will explain this but so far, I have a number of questions as where Serpentra has been since Zedd was failing quite often since the 3 part premiere saw his arrival.

Meanwhile on Earth, Aisha, Adam and Rocky, apparently transfered themselves into the Angel Grove have. How interesting??? Half the rangers' team's power needs to be transfered just as these new allies of theirs transfer to their school. I see what the writers did there. ;) Zedd actually comes up with a good plan here as while he's dealing with the rangers on the deserted planet, he has Squatt and Baboo plant a sleeping gas machine that will put everyone in the world to sleep; starting with Angel Grove. Of course, with the rangers gone, Alpha and Zordon call on the 3 new teens to help them stop Zedd's plan but unfortunately they are stopped by a squad of Putties that best them in a fight and chain them to a tree next to the flying sleeping gas machine. Gott continue to love seeing these 3 put their lives on the line for the Power Rangers, especially since they are not rangers but have their own set of skills and morality that make them worthy to save the day. It's really nice writing and I'm not surprised that Judd Lynn is behind it! :)

Overall, this was a super start to the two parter with great writing and strong direction from two future influences of the franchise. It's also an awesome cliffhanger as we see the planet about to be destroyed by Serpentra as all 6 rangers try to force the Sword of Light out of the statue's hand while the 3 teens are trapped trying to save Earth! :)

Final Morph: A


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