Season 2, Episode 12: Green No More, Part 1

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"Green No More, Part 1"
Episode 12
Air Date: September 27th, 1994

So we've finally reached the moment that has been foreshadowed even since the end of last season: Tommy's final moments as the Green Ranger. It's been a long time coming, not to mention a long time teasing of when he would in fact lose his powers as his powers have been getting weak since the season premiere 3-parter. So the episode opens with Tommy playing basketball by himself...jeeze, poor guy O_O Kimberly comes over and ask him how he's doing. Tommy's not doing alright since Alpha has done another bio scan on his powers and it doesn't look too good that his powers might not last much longer.  Kimberly tries to make Tommy look on the bright side when suddenly, lightning strikes all around them until a transparent Tommy appears in front of them. Both of them are shocked by seeing him but he has a message from Tommy. Apparently, the transparent Tommy is from the future and he tells Tommy to...remember his communicator when the time comes. He then disappears. Well...I'm sure that's nothing to worry about Thomas, old boy!! lol Meanwhile, Lord Zedd begins to gloat once again at the Moon Palace about the final destruction of the Green Ranger and his powers....for good!!

Inside Angel Grove High, Billy and Zack run into his cousin, showing off his dance moves in the hallway like Zack would do and then introduces him to Billy and Richie. Richie and Zack's cousin, Curtis, head out for some lunch. Tommy then heads over as the others have heard about the vision of himself he saw outside. Suddenly, two barrels roll toward them as the 3 teens jump over it. Turns out it's Bulk and Skull inside of them. When Billy asks what they are up to as they could have gotten someone hurt, they are clearly afraid, quickly point and run off to find the identities of the rangers. Suddenly, again, 5 mirror images of the main cast come toward them looking like rejects of the actual cast that made it. These 5 are the new bullies in school and begin threatening Jason, Tommy and Billy while also picking on a near by student named Stewart (Look what I can do!!! O_o) Meanwhile, Lord Zedd is preparing a green crystal that will take the rest of Tommy's powers for good as well as wanting to turn Angel Grove's newest gang of bullies into his Dark Rangers....sigh....

Meanwhile, at the Command Center, Tommy arrives to hear what Zordon and Alpha have to say about his powers. Turns out it's not good as at all as Zordon tells Tommy he only has one more battle in him before his powers are gone...forever!!!  Meanwhile at the beach, the teens run into those same bullies who declare that Angel Grove there's as they prepare to fight them. Lord Zedd is in his other world with Goldar and the crystal as he prepares to put his spell into motion on the new teens in town. He summons them and before a fight breaks out on the beach, the 5 bullies are teleported away.  As the rangers wonder what happened to them, Lord Zedd prepares his Dark rangers as he plans to use the green crystal to drain what's left of Tommy's powers to power up his Dark Rangers. He then uses his staff to create his latest monster from one of the seashells that Kimberly spotted: Turbanshell.....well, at least it's better than Shellshock!!!

Back at the Command Center, the rangers worried about Tommy, spot Shellshock...I mean Turbanshell destroying the city. With Tommy's powers only up for one last fight, Zordon tells him his destiny is his own as the rangers morph into action.  When they arrive in the city, they immediately call on their "Dino zords" -_-...again!!? as their Thunderzords are summoned. Tommy then summons his Dragonzord with his flute and the two megazords engage in a tough battle with the monster who eventually knocks the rangers out of their megazord. As the rangers regroup, Turbanshell disappears and reappears to Lord Zedd in the other world where he is displeased that Turbanshell didn't finish the rangers off as well as drain what's left of the Green Ranger's powers. He does so by teleporting away. As the other rangers check on Tommy, he disappears in a bolt of lightning and reappears in Zedd's other world in a field of wheat, as Turbanshell appears to fight him and drains what's left of his powers to power Lord Zedd's crystal. Back at the park, the rangers try to contact Zordon with no luck as they are teleported to Zedd's other world as well, unmorped and powerless as Zedd introduces the catured Power Rangers to his.....pathetic and laughably cheap-looking Dark Rangers!!! O_O The hell are those suppose to be??!! Did they blow the budget on Lord Zedd and made these costumes last minute!? My goodness, I've seen better costumes at Iparty!!!

Anyway as the rangers are helplessly trapped in the other world with Lrod Zedd, Tommy tries desperately to escape the Turbanshell who tells him it's the end of the Green Ranger. Overall, this is a pretty good first part to the two parter.  I HATE the Dark Rangers though!! The most horrendous looking costumes I have ever seen. Like the ugliest onesies connect to colorful ski masks!!! I'm just glad that we are finally getting plot movement again even if it's because of Tommy. It's always Tommy this, and Tommy that!!! lol

Final Morph: C+


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