MMAR Season 3.5, Episode 6: Water You Thinking?

Image result for Water you thinking? mighty morphin' alien rangers
"Water You Thinking?"
Episode 6
Air Date: February 12th, 1996

Well, the little rangers are off on their Zeo quest while it's up to Billy and the Alien Rangers to protect Earth. Lord Zedd comes up with a plan to block the Alien Rangers from summoning their Battle Borgs while he also wants to surprise the Alien Rangers with a new monster named Witchblade (Heyyyyyy!!! -_-) Anyway, while Billy and the Aquitains look for a pure water supply for Cestro, who is beginning to grow weak, they go to the Aquarium to talk to some fish there to see where to go for this pure water. Wow, now the Alien Rangers are Aquaman all of a sudden??? O_o Anyway, Cestro morphs and heads to a forest outside of Angel Grove where he is attacked by the evil witch monster. In his weakened state, he is defenseless against her but tries his best to fight her off.

As the Alien Rangers entertain Beavis and Butthead, Billy contacts Zordon to see how Cestro is doing and Zordon tells him he needs help facing the monster. The other alien rangers morph into action and help Cestro as he gets to the water thanks to WitchBlade as Lord Zedd and especially Rita become irritated. They make WitchBlade grow and when the Alien Rangers try to summon their Battle Borgs, they can't. They summon the Shogun Zords instead and form the Shogun Megazord to quickly do away with her.

Meanwhile, Rocky arrives in the past where he meets a young Mexican boy who says he can speak only a little bit of English but can speak English very well as he has a whole conversation with Rocky about where to obtain the crystal. Rocky must climb up inside the volcano and get it. Pretty dangerous for a little kid but Rocky does it anyway. Inside the volcano, Rocky sees his Zeo Sub Crystal as the volcano begins to erupt. As he makes his way out and back down, he is cheered on by the kid and his village. Turns out the English speaking kid is Rocky's grandfather as he uses the Sub Crystal to head back home. Well, that quest was a short one. I hope the others are more entertaining, sheesh!!! Anyway, this was a filler episode for the most part outside the Zeo Quest with Rocky. Like I said, I just hope the others are better.

Final Morph: C+


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