Season 5, Episode 43: Parts and Parcel

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"Parts and Parcel
Episode 43
Air Date: November 18th, 1997

It's no surprise during these reviews that you have come to find that I absolutely HATE Bulk and Skull.  Since the show's inception, they have been nothing but constant annoyances throughout the franchise.  When it comes to their daily lives, they pretty much suck at everything they do.  Being bullies, trying to find the rangers' secret identities, being junior police officers, being detectives, not to mention almost every jobs they had during this season.  These two are constantly screwing up because of their bumbling, dimwitted and down right embarrassing behavior.  But then you remember, these are the same two characters that saved the rangers back in Season 2's "When Is A Ranger, Not A Ranger?"  The thing is Bulk and Skull can not only be competent sometimes but actually show some compassion and concern when needed.  Under that dense, thick headed exterior are two guys who just want to be loved and appreciated.  Sure it's hard when they are constantly breaking stuff, saying dumb things, getting publicly humiliated and just failing at the most basic social concepts like breathing!!! Ok, I don't mean to be harsh but Bulk and Skull have never been essential to plot. Sure in "King For A Day, Part 1 and 2" they help saved the rangers but once again, it was due to their socially inept behavior.

Here for the first time, the writer, or more importantly, John Fletcher (One of the best writers besides Juddy Lynn this season) effortlessly takes the main plot of the episode and ingrain it with Bulk and Skull's episodic dilemma.  For the first time, the rangers come to the their rescue by wanting to help them with their daily problem in trying to keep from getting fired.  I LOVE how T.J. steps forward, knowing how probelmatic Bulk and Skull can be but still seeing the good in them despite that by wanting to help them stop a thief who is stealing items from the packages they delivery.  It's a great story for Bulk and Skull to be apart of and has an awesome twist when it turns out that Divatox is behind the stolen packages.  I love how the other rangers get involved coming up with their own stakeout to find out who the thief was; even if it included Bulk and Skull's typical dopey shenanigans!!! After the rangers discover this, they head to the Power Chamber to investigate and find out that Divatox is stealing parts all over town to create a remote control for all 3 of her Divazords; as she plans to unleash them on Earth.

As the rangers morph and head to the city, Rygog leads Divatox's fleet of zords as Robo Racer drags the Sharkzord away from last battle??? Wait what??? O_o Anyway, when all three zords are under his control, the rangers summon their Rescue Zords as each goes into High Stance mode.  A huge brawl ensues between Divatox's zords, the rangers' Rescue Zords and Robo Racer.  When the rangers' zords lose power and Rygog pushes the zords to their limits thanks to Divatox being overzealous, the rangers tap into the Divazords' power and use it to recover all of their zords.  Soon the rangers call on the Turbo Megazord as both megazords combine forces to destroy all three zords.  It's such a cool sequence seeing both megazords destroy all of Divatox's zords; especially the sick artillery power/Spin Out finisher both megazords do.

If that wasn't badass enough, we get an awesome moment of the rangers teleporting to the Juice Bar to come to Bulk and Skull's defense about the stolen packages with Red Turbo calling them both brave for helping them stop Divatox.  I just love that moment as well as when Bulk tells Cassie and Ashley T.J. is okay.  To which Cassie returns the favor by saying T.J. said the same about this.  It's the only time where Bulk and Skull get acknowledgement for doing something right and it is actually pretty heartwarming; especially Bulk's reaction.  It just goes to show that Bulk and Skull can have depth when the writers want to and this episode excellent shows them in a positive light which doesn't happen too often on this show. Overall, another stellar episode for the season as well as great development for Bulk and Skull of all characters!!! Shocking!!! O_O

Final Morph: A-


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