Season 5, Episode 31: Beware the Third WIsh

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"Beware the Third Wish"
Episode 31
Air Date: October 17th, 1997

Here we have a two parter that starts off quite well as the rangers are at a wishing well making their individual wishes.  Of course, Justin wishes for his dad to come home, a minor storyline that's been only ever so lightly touched upon this season.  He even uses the lucky coin his dad gave him to make the wish.  Too bad Divatox's latest monster, the Wicked Wisher, steal three coins from the well, including Justin's, to make three magical wishing coins that Divatox can use.  As the rangers fight off the Piranathron, the Blue Senturion arrives (Seriously, where has HE been the last couple of episodes??? O_o) to defeat the Wicker Wisher as he and Rygog escape.  The rangers thank the Blue Senturion as they question what Divatox would want with the coins.

Meanwhile, the Wicked Wisher, like I said, grants Divatox three wishes with the coins he took by enchanting them.  While Elgar stupidly wastes one of her wishes by wishing for....a full head of hair??? O_o  Ok....Divatox decides to use her second wish to make the Blue Senturion evil.  Why she doesn't just immediately wish the rangers destroy themselves or just die is not explained but her wish works as the Blue Senturion goes on a rampage.  Meanwhile, the rangers are being told by Dimitria about the Wicked Wisher and his ability to grant wishes.  She warns them of what Divatox could do if she uses her wishes on them and T.J. quickly volunteers to head back to the wishing well to stop Divatox from getting anymore coins.  After being yelled at by Divatox for more wishes, the Wicked Wisher tries to enchant more coins but can only do 3 wishes apparently.  Bummer!!! lol T.J. spots him at the well, morphs and chases after him.

During their fight, the Wicked Wisher is added by the Blue Senturion, who T.J. is shocked to find has turned evil as he attacks him.  As the fight concludes, T.J. uses his Turbo Navigator to bind the Blue Senturion to get away while Divatox tries to use her third and last wish.  She about to wish the Power Rangers into oblivion...until Elgar accidentally bumps into her, knocking the coin down to Earth. I love how Divatox just throws Elgar over to get it.  Of all people and places, it falls into Bulk and Skull's hands (just shove them into the story like always -_-) as they get fired on their latest job as plumbers.  As Divatox's forces look for the third coin, the rangers morph and go after them.  The Blue Senturion fight the rangers and pretty much kicks their asses until the Wicked Wisher comes back to finish them off.  Divatox orders Elgar to fetch the Blue Senturion while she orders Rygog to fire the torpedoes.  The Wicked Wisher grows and the rangers call on their Rescue Zords to for the Rescue Megazord.  It's a decent fight until they summon their artillery power and fire all weapons at him; destroying him.

With the third coin in Bulk and Skull's hands, the rangers are each given a Turbo Navigator to find it while Porto introduces Divatox to the Wild Weeder, whom they will use to find the lost coin.  In terms of two parter, so far, so good! On to part 2! :)

Final Morph: B+


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