Season 5, Episode 36: The Song of Confusion

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"The Song of Confusion"
Episode 36
Air Date: November 7th, 1997


Yeah, like Carlos, I don't know whether to hate or love this episode??? I mean there was definitely MUCH more effort put into the songs this episode, especially the "Confusion" song than Tanya's tired and bland song from Zeo last season.  As the first Cassie focused episode, she and her friend Vicky are aspiring to become music artists when they get the idea of auditioning for a band.  I like how they continued what Cassie mentioned in her debut episode this season about wanting to become a singer.  She at least sounds better singing here than in "Passing the Torch, Part 1" when she was on the bus.  The auditions in this episode are pretty funny; with even Bulk and Skull trying out and making fools of themselves as usual.  Suddenly, a band called Crash and the Creeps come in and blow Cassie and Vicky away with their great song, "Confusion".  While Crash and the Creeps want to stick together, Cassie is adamant about Vicky being in the band too as they don't need two basses.  Vicky ultimately decides to step down and write songs for the band instead.

As Cassie, Crash and the Creeps perform their "Confusion" for the first time, they realize the song is catching on real quick and is a hit with everyone...except Vicky who is feeling left out since they haven't used one of her song yet. Cassie tries to reassure her that they will get to her songs but Vicky seriously doubts it.  Soon the song gets too catchy for the other rangers as even Justin and Carlos can't get it out of their heads during a Piranathron fight.  As the song continues to catch on and take Angel Grove by storm, Cassie begins getting annoyed by the song and asks Crash if they can start playing Vicky's songs. Of course he says no because their current song is such a hit and that they will suspiciously take over Angel Grove and the world with it. Hmmmmmm....

Turns out Crash and the Creeps are Divatox's latest monster in human form as they plan using the song to rule the world.  Not a bad plan, though the song really gets old fast!!! O_O  The fights between the rangers and the monsters are just silly! O_O lol I know this is Power Rangers and silliness comes with the territory but my goodness, the monster forms of Crash and the Creeps was beyond laughable.  I mean the Pink Creep was essentially a Teddy Bear and I believe the Yellow Creep was a Turkey of some kind. lol Oh Carranger and it's ridiculous footage.  At least they didn't have the nerve to adapt the White Turbo ranger! lol  But I have to say as ridiculous as they look, they put up a good fight against the rangers; forcing them to use their Turbo RAM (Which hasn't been used since the original Turbo team were present) and destroy four of them.  With Crash left, Divatox orders the torpedoes to be fired and he grows.  The rangers summon the Turbo Megazord (Which also has been used in a while) to finish off Crash with the Spin Out finisher.  The episode ends with Cassie learning her lesson about the price of fame and apologizes to Vicky. It's a nice scene with good dialogue and natural rekindles their friendship. Not bad, not great either though.

Final Morph: C+


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