Season 4, Episode 48: Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 2

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"Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 2"
Episode 48
Air Date: November 21st, 1996

So....this episode was awesome.....and it pissed me off!!! -_- I'll start with what I loved about it. Seeing Cog Changer in the Zeo Megazord controlling it while fighting Impursonator in the Super Zeo Megazord.....was...WOW...I loved every minute of it. Especially when Impursonator kicked the Zeo rangers out of their own megazord. It left the rangers defenseless and pathetic, having to summon Auric to help them but he suddenly becomes a coward and is scared off by them....WHY!??? o_O Anyway, I'm glad Katherine at least came up with a plan to get both zords back under their control by having the guys distract Impursonator and the girls breaking the cog that is controlling the Zeo Megazord and kicking Cog Changer out of there. Meanwhile, Delphine and Cestro are continuing to help save Billy and mention the eternal falls of Aquitar that will be able to heal Billy and make him young again. A new character that Billy apparently met on Aquitar, Cestria, comes to give Billy water from the falls but must continue treatment on Aquitar for it to fully work.

But let's get down to the main point of this episode: seeing the first time two ranger teams combine forces against an enemy. I loved everything about this fight from the posing, to the individual fights with Zeo Rangers and Alien Rangers against the Cogs, seeing the Zeo Rangers use their Zeo Cannon while the Alien Rangers use their Aquitar Ranger blast. Sure, the fight could have been a bit longer and it would have been nice to see the Battle Borgs again but what we got was still worth the wait for Part 2. The final zord fight was actually one of the best I've seen.  I loved seeing the rangers pretty much using their entire zord arsenal outside of Pyramidas to defeat both monsters, especially when both monster combine themselves. It was just such an awesome fight all around and I'm glad they included moments of Rita and Zedd as well as Mondo putting their two cents into the fight, it made it more entertaining.

But seriously, what pissed me off...sigh....was this episode marks Billy's farewell from the show and in usual Power Rangers fashion, it's done at the expense of the actor and disrespect of the character. Billy sends a transmission to his friends, Zordon and Alph telling them he is cured and well but is staying on Aquitar because of his new found love for Cestria.....a character we know nothing about and just met!!! Excuse me....what??? WHAT!!?? OH MY GOD!!! -_- Ohhhh and the ADR is horrible and sounds NOTHING like Billy in the same dumb tradition as always. I mean after 4 seasons of watching this character evolve and growth from a weak yet ingenuous nerd to a formidable technical expert and veteran ranger...THIS is what we get?!!! -_- Don't even get me started on that lame attempt at a montage of Billy's greatest moments on the show. You made of fool of Yost on and off screen with this bullsh!t!! What....utter...CRAP!!! *Breathes......exhales.....breathes......exhales......* But other than that, "Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 2" was a superb conclusion to the two parter even if Billy go shafted in the story department. A morphenominal ranger has left and he will be missed to this day! :(

Image result for billy power rangerImage result for billy power rangerImage result for billy power ranger
Final Morph: A-


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