Season 4, Episode 38: The Lore of Auric

"The Lore of Auric"
Episode 38
Air Date: October 25, 1996

Well, the spotlight is on Tanya again and it's not bad. It's nice to see we finally get to see what happened to her parents during their expedition to Mysterio Island when they finally find the lost Tiki of Auric when they are...sigh...confronted by Louie Kaboom. He forces them to give him the Tiki as he escapes and they remain trapped on the island. Meanwhile, Tanya receives a package from Tanya from Aisha!! Turns out they found the Key to the lost Tiki of Auric and the map to Mysterio Island; leaving Tanya excited to find her long lost parents. But before Tanya leaves, she leaves Jason in charge of holding the Tiki after he tells her he will look after it while he is gone. Now that Jason has it, Klank informs Louie that Jason has to key to opening Auric and sends a squad of Cogs to go after him. As Jason walks in the park and is surrounded by Louie and the Cogs, he morphs and fights them off until Louie manages to get the key.

As Louie uses the key to resurrect Auric the Conqueror who stands tall after being awakened. When Louie orders him to take over the world for him, he pretty much tells him to shut up and that he's a do gooder. Then he then turns back into a Tiki. Ha I like Auric already!!! As Louie bitches and moans about that, Sprocket tells him he needs to use another tactic to get Auric to listen to him.  Meanwhile, back at the Power Chamber, as Jason tells the others about losing the key, they receive another transmission from Trey from Triforia as he is finally sending Pyramidas for Jason pilot and just in time as Sprocket manages to convince the a fully grown Auric that the rangers are evil villains that need to be stopped.

As Auric nobly enters Angel Grove to lure the rangers out of hiding, Jason tells the others he will take Pyramidas to reason with Auric. But it doesn't work when Auric uses his sword to blast Pyramidas and turn it upside down.  With Jason in trouble, Zordon teleports Tanya back from her personal mission of Mysterio Island to help the rest of the rangers. The rangers all morph and call on the Super Zeo Megazord to talk to Auric until the mention Zordon. Auric, of course, is on the side of the rangers now and pretty much punks Sprocket by blowing him away for his deception. When Louie tries to get the key to Auric, Billy teleports it back to the Power Chamber.

With the key safe and Auric on their side, Tanya entrusts Jason with the Key to the Tiki of Auric again as she heads back to Mysterio Island. She enters the cave where he parents did and helps save their lives. After that, follows a touching reunion between the three that's far too brief. I mean come on writers, can we just get a moment where her parents get to learn about what happened to their daughter all these years, how her parents have been, etc.? Sheesh! O_o Anyway, "The Lore of Auric" is average at best. I like we get to see Tanya find her parents but it's far too short but the arrival of Auric was fun, especially seeing him own Sprocket. lol

Final Morph: C


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