Season 6, Episode 10: The Wasp With A Heart

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"The Wasp With A Heart"
Episode 10
Air Date: April 4th, 1998

Now THIS is more like it!!! I always had a soft spot for this episode because it explores an idea that has never been explored on Power Rangers before.  For the 5 years, we've always assumed that the monsters the rangers have fought have always been evil.  They come, they wreck havoc and the rangers at the end of the day destroy them for the sake of protecting Angel Grove.  "The Wasp With A Heart", like MANY episodes this season, deconstructs the typical aspects of the show by giving episodes like these a touch of complexity and moral ambiguity.  Here we have a monster Waspicable, who just wants to live out a peaceful existence but it forced by Astronema's forces, led by Sting King, to do evil.  You feel bad for the poor guy as he tries his best to scare and bring fear into the hearts of the citizens of Angel Grove, but he's too much of a sweetheart.  Especially when it comes to destroying the a ranger when he faces off with Cassie, but in a touching moment, he can't seem to destroy and gives into his inner nature of being good.

I like the relationship between Cassie and Waspicable, her continuously seeing first hand how good he is.  He had more than once chance to destroy her but he couldn't bring himself to do it.  I love how Cassie repeatedly comes to his aid when first the rangers try to shoot him and when Astronema and her forces close in on them.  I LOVE the look she gives Astronema before she morphs along side the other rangers.  The fight between Sting King and the rangers was awesome; taking them to space before finishing off the fight down on Earth.  The zord battle was pretty quick though with the Astron Megazord easily blasting Sting King into oblivion so fast. Sheesh!!!

But that all doesn't matter as the moral of the episode is so potent and paramont.  Yes, it can be very cheesy and overly sentimental but it is a very inventive concept for the show that's very well done here.  It would have been nice to see Waspicable come back and aid the rangers; maybe as a recurring ally to the team.  Man, a monster helping out the rangers save the day??? That would have been cool!!! :)  Then again, this season will have very moral grey allies like this so no big.  All and All, "The Wasp With A Heart" is a strong episode of complex concepts and morally excellent storytelling.  Finally, the In Space I know is beginning to show itself! ;)

Final Morph: A


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