Season 5, Episode 8: Bicycle Built For the Blues

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"Bicycle Built For the Blues"
Episode 8
Air Date: May 7th, 1997

Awww, it the Justin stuck on bike episode!!! Sigh.....and if that wasn't bad enough, we get the stupid overused plot of the rangers forgetting one of the other birthday.  Just STOP IT ALREADY!!! -_-  It didn't work the last time in a pretty good season with "Happy Birthda, Zack!" in Season 1, so what makes the writers think in such a mediocre and contrived season that it would work here???  Why couldn't Tommy just tell Justin "happy birthday" while stopping him from entering the car shop??? Oh right, cause then we wouldn't have a dumb plot of Justin thinking some random bike is a gift for him!!! I know there was a card and everything but Justin coming to the conclusion that his dad sent it just cause his friends "forgot" his birthday was stupid!! Why didn't he think the other rangers got it for him???  I don't feel bad for Justin at all!!! -_-  Isn't he suppose to be a child genius???  This is one of the few instances this season where the writers made him stupid just so the plot can get moving.  Divatox having her latest monster....sigh....Big Burpa......yes, BIG BURPA, you read that right to use a spell to make Justin stuck to the bike while there is also a detonator on it.

So...we spend the majority of the episode watching Burpa following Justin on an uncontrollable bike.....I just....who thought THIS would be entertaining for half an an episode!!?? -_-  Anyway, the other rangers, during their preparation of Justin's party, get called because of Burpa running a muck in Angel Grove.  Tommy eventually morphs to go after Burpa on his own while the rest of the team stays at the Power Chamber to track down the latest detonator.  If I were the rangers, I be VERY ANNOYED by the constant detonators every week!!!! -_-  But anyway....:)....Tommy loses Burpa and the other rangers go after her, as there's no way to help Justin yet??? Wait what??? O_o  Anyway, they chase her down in their stupid, silly looking go carts...are we ever gonna get an explanation of where they came from??? Nope!!! Because it's Turbo and this crap just keeps happening!!! -_- So after losing Burpa, the rangers finally decide to go after Justin.  While the other 3 rangers unmorph and chase after him while Justin realizes the detonator is on the bike, Tommy comes in morphed and chases after Justin in his zord, Red Lightning.  Oh yeah, the zord names of Red Lightning, Desert Thunder, Mountain Blaster, Wind Chaser and Dune Star.  Too bad such awesome zord names are for FREAKIN' CARSSSSS!!! -_-

Anyway, Tommy eventually saves Justin as the detonator goes off.  Burpa arrives to deal with the rangers as the rest morph and fight her. God this fight sequence is just bad as Justin takes on Burpa with gratuitous flipping while the other rangers except for Tanya disappear while she cheers him on.  Ehhhh, Divatox fires the torpedoes and makes Burpa grow.  The rangers do the first and only summon sequence of the Turbo Zords....and I'm glad cause "Mountain Blaster Turbo Power, Turbo Up!" is just so cringeworthy from Justin especially!!! Anyway, they form the Turbo Megazord and have decent fight as Justin gets the honor taking the lead. Soon the Turbo Megazord Spin Out.comes and Burpa is destroyed! The 4 teens finally surprise Justin with his birthday party and even his father is able to make it.  Apparently, away on business a lot. So why was Justin in a orphanage??? O_o Does he have no other family besides his dad so he has to live with other homeless kids??? Dammmmnnnn, maybe I do feel bad for Justin.  Oh and Divatox wants family, with more Dimitria's long lost sister foreshadowing that never happens.  But if Elgar was my nephew to, I'd want to disown him and find my REAL family too!

Final Morph: F


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