Season 5, Episode 5: Transmission Impossible

"Transmission Impossible"
Episode 5
Air Date: May 2nd, 1997

Well, we're bad to the poor run of episodes this season as "Transmission Impossible" introduces an intriguing plot point that would have been great to follow....if it wasn't just suddenly dropped or written out like the majority of things this season.  I'm glad we are seeing the rangers have jobs outside their ranger duties as Tanya being a radio DJ is cool....but nothing is really done with it.  I mean it seems more like a reason to have to rangers doing stuff just cause they are no longer in high school. Anyway, when Katherine comes to visit Tanya, the radio station receives a transmission from a spacecraft that is heading to Earth.  Apparently the name of this space traveler is Visceron and he's from Dimitria's home world, Inquiris and he has an urgent message for her. Surprisingly, Visceron doesn't speak in questions like Dimitria, thank God!!! While Adam, Kat and Alpha track down the transmission, Divatox also receives word of the transmission and listens in on when he tells Dimitria that he has an important message to tell her.  She has Rygog and Porto capture him by blasts his ship and bringing him to her Subcraft.

There, Divatox aggressively tries to force him to tell her his message but he won't cause she's evil. After seemingly torturing him, Elgar and Porto confront him.  When he still won't talk, Divatox gets the idea to turn him into a mindless slave that will do her every bidding until he tells her what the message is.  Visceron turning into a mindless monster who washing dishes and cleans anything; to Divatox's irritation.  Meanwhile, when Tanya detects a detonator near by when the Turbo Navigator goes off. Unfortunately, she can't contact the other rangers and tell them as well as they can't contact her because of the frequency of the radio station; according to Alpha. Adam and Kat morph and head there after Tanya sends a message of her own through the radio station's frequency.  Divatox sends a school of Piranathron to stop them from finding the detanator.  Tommy and Justin soon arrive to help and after the Piranathron retreat, they split up to find it.  Katherine arrives in Tanya's booth and thankfully morphs. Outside, Brainwashed Visceron and Porto arrive with orders from Divatox to protect the detonator before Porto leaves.

Soon the rangers arrive to fight him at the radio tower and get the detonator but not before Visceron takes it back and blows himself up!!! Wow!!! -_- After returning back to normal, the rangers bring him back to the Power Chamber where he heals (because of the power of love and friendship according to Dimitria. -_-) and he finally tells her that she has a long lost sister. OMG!!! Who could her sister be?? How will Dimitria find her??? Why was this storyline even brought up if it means nothing in the long run???!!! -_-  Of course, it's obvious that it's Divatox, since we do learn Divatox was adopted by space pirates, not to mention, her an Dimitria look alike because they are played by the same actress. But seriously, "Transmission Impossible" is a pointless episode in the long run, establishing a sub-plot that never will see the light of day again; making it one you can literately avoid! -_-

Final Morph: D


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