Season 5, Episode 41: Little Strong Man

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"Little Strong Man"
Episode 41
Air Date: November 14th, 1997

Awwww, poor Justin, always getting flake from the fandom about being the worst aspect of Turbo.  It doesn't help that his initial episodes that focused on him were terrible.  "Bicycle Built For the Blues" and especially "The Whole Lie" was obnoxiously bad.  Episodes that showed Justin in a bad light because of the terrible writing, not because of Justin himself.  So here we are at the tail end of the season as we get yet another Justin focused episode and like a lot of episodes in the second half, it is MUCH improved over the nightmare run of episodes in the first here.  Here we get a better understanding of Justin and what its like to be a kid in high school trying to fit in.  He wants to be on the track team to do so but unfortunately, Justin isn't older and as strong as his fellow classmates; getting picked on for his size and strength of course. You really do feel bad for Justin as he's not you average kid and just wants to feel like he belongs.

Of course, when he gets bitten by apparently a radioactive ant, he become super strong and is able to perform amazing feats of strength that he not only makes the team but impresses everyone around him....except for the rangers, who are worried about his new found power. Of course, Justin is eager to keep showing off despite what Dimitria and Alpha 6 warn him about the possible side effects of his new super strength.  But it's completely in Justin's character to act this way; especially thinking Carlos is jealous of him.  Justin, while super smart, is still a kid and is finally feeling apart of something bigger than him for once.  But ultimately after hilariously battling a swarm of Piranathron, he realizes he can't morph and finds out that his new strength isn't compatible with his ranger powers.  So he has a choice: either stay super strong or lose them forever to use his ranger powers again. After a nice pep talk from T.J. (Seriously, excellent dialogue for him there! :), Justin decides to add the rangers as a ranger once again and gives up his super strength for good.  Even that wasn't great enough, at the end of the episode, he manages to stay on the team as technical adviser.  Now this is a great episode for a great and massively underrated character!!!

Meanwhile, Divatox is working on a new fleet of zords aka the Divazords to battle the rangers with.  She becomes hilariously impatient throughout the episode waiting for her crew to finish it; constantly yelling at Porto to HURRY UP!!! Lol  When hew space taxi finally arrives, Divatox anxiously boards it and drives it to one of the Divazords to begin attacking Angel Grove.  The rangers quickly morph and call on their zords to fight her and the fight itself is plain hilarious as Divatox loses control her zord and has to retreat. LOL Oh poor Divatox! At least I give her credit for FINALLY going after the rangers herself after of season of her being a crap villain! lol  Overall, "Little Strong Man" is a fine Justin episode with a hilarious main plot with Divatox and her new Divazord! :)

Final Morph: B+


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