Season 5, Episode 40: Carlos and the Count

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"Carlos and the Count"
Episode 40
Air Date: November 13th, 1997

A bizarre and often satirical episode that has fun with the concept of vampires when Divatox gets an idea to turn a lunar bat into her latest monster, Count Nocturne and sends him after Carlos.  I like how even Carlos' fight against Count Nocturne and the Piranathron is shot like a cliche B horror movie being shot at night with all the fog.  After Carlos gets brutally bitten, he starts acting like a vampire; protecting his eyes from the sunlight, being scared of garlic and craving BLLOOOOD!!! o_O Muahahahahaha!!! Anyway, while Bulk and Skull suck at trying to go after Carlos as vampire hunters, Justin, of course, being the smart little nugget he is begins to catch on that Carlos may in fact be a vampire.  I love Justin here, once again, being the arguably the smartest and most observant member of the team when one of his fellow rangers is under a spell.

Of course when Divatox sees Justin catching on quickly, she sends Count Nocturne and a squad of Piranathron to go after the rest of the rangers to turn them into VAAAMPPYYYYRRR!!! Muahahahaha!!! Yeah, so they fight in the park and Count Nocturne tries to bite Justin but fails too when Cassie and T.J. try to save him.  They quickly head back to Angel Grove High as they realize that Carlos may have been bitten when Justin makes accusations of him being a vampire.  When the others don't see his reflection in a mirror, he reveals his vampire form and turns into a bat to get away.  The rangers track him down to the blood drive and take him to the Power Chamber against his will to try to cure him.  Alpha manages to give Carlos a temporary antidote but as long as Count Nocturne lives, he will be continue to be under the spell. When Cassie and Justin are being attacked by Count Nocturne again and more Piranathron, the three rangers morph and head over to help them.

The fight with Count Nocturne doesn't go well as he tries to take over Carlos again but the rangers use the Turbo RAM to blasts him back.  Divatox hilariously orders to fire the torpedoes to make Count Nocturne grow as the rangers call on their Rescue Zords.  But after forming the Rescue Megazord, Nocturne quickly traps the Megazord in chains and beats the crap out of it.  The rangers evacuate into the Turbo Zords and form the Turbo Megazord.  This is actually a pretty brutal fight with the Turbo Megazord getting tossed around and drilled into by Count Nocturne's weapon. When Carlos continues to feel the antidote wearing off and Count Nocturne trying lure him back to his side, Carlos gets the idea to combined both megazords.  This is the first and only time we see this as Red Lightning and Mountain Blaster combine with Star Racer, Wind Rescue and Thunder Loader to form the Rescue Turbo Megazord!!! I personally think Turbo Rescue Megazord would be a better name but anyway! They destroy Count Nocturne's weapon and destroy him with a combination of the artillery power and Mounatin Blaster's beam attack.  Overall, this episode was always fun and entertaining to me so not bad at all. :)

Final Morph: B+


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