Season 5, Episode 33: Fire In Your Tank

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"Fire In Your Tank"
Episode 33
Air Date: October 30th, 1997

Meh! This was a pretty average episode only made better by the continuous hilarious performance of Divatox by the returning Hilary Shepard Turner.  Divatox is having a monster training camp apparently and it's just priceless seeing Divatox yell and degrade the monsters that try to prove themselves to her.  One of which is a monster named Torch Tiger who wants to prove himself to Divatox when she wants Lightning Cruiser.  Too bad the monster is all smoke and can't breath fire like he says. lol

Meanwhile, the rangers are testing out their own Booster Fuel on Lightning Cruiser when Torch Tiger decides to "attack" the rangers.  Of course, he sucks at breathing fire again but when he steals some of the rangers' Booster Fuel, they morph and chase after him...just as Elgar, Rygog and a group of Piranathron try to capture Lightning Cruiser.  When Lightning Cruiser's alarm goes off, Cassie, T.J. and Ashley forget about Torch Tiger for the moment and go back to save it.  Though I just don't understand why they don't split up but whatever! O_o  As Piranathron appear to stop them, T.J. contacts Justin and Carlos for reinforcements.  I find it funny how some of the new rangers sound like they're saying "Sh!t Into Turbo!"  LOL Meanwhile, Elgar and Rygog accidentally capture the rest of the Booster Fuel as Justin and Carlos arrive to stop them.  Cassie, T.J. and Ashley also arrive to stop them but Divatox's forces soon retreat after.  As the rangers wonder what Divatox would want with their Booster Fuel, Tiger Torch is testing out the Booster Fuel on his bike and then on himself, causing a massive fire in Angel Grove Forest.

As the rangers try to track down the Booster Fuel, they witness the fire in the forest and call on their Rescue Zords to put them out. Meanwhile, Blob and Slob are in the forest as well (What a surprise!!! -_-) on their latest job of fire spotting but of course, they're too dumb to realize that the damn forest is on fire leaving T.J. to have to come save them with Lightning Cruiser.  But he ends up running into Divatox in her own flying car as her crew make one for her using the rangers' Booster Fuel as well.  Of course, it runs out and she crashes.  But to everyone's shock she loved it and wants more.  Torch Tiger to go after the rangers now that he can breath fire with the fuel.  After saving Bulk and Skull, T.J. regroups with the rangers to fight Torch Tiger and after seemingly being destroyed by him, the rangers return with Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster. I LOVE how Divatox ever so disappointingly orders the torpedoes to be fired.  Carol Hoyt could name make something as simple as that line seem funny! lol

The rangers summon the Rescue Megazord and defeat Torch Tiger with their artillery power.  Overall, this was an above average episode only because of the funny Divatox bits.  Otherwise, the plot and monster of the week were decent at best.  Nothing special.

Final Morph: C+


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