Season 5, Episode 22: Trouble By The Slice

"Trouble by the Slice"
Episode 22
Air Date: September 16th, 1997

The moment has finally come!!! We have reached the most infamous episode of Power Rangers Turbo, "Trouble by the Slice".  And episode so absurd, so ridiculous, so over the top wacky that is makes Season 1 look dark and brooding.  I don't know what to say about this episode....outside the fact that it is absolutely awful in the best possible way.  It's so bad, it's good!!! One of the zaniest episodes of the franchise as it seems the writers literally surrendered themselves to the outlandish parody of Carranger and just adapted one of its most dumbest episode just for the hell of it.  I mean even the lines are hilarious:

"We're here to toss your salad!"

"The evil pizzas were no match for a simple stop light!"

"Nuts! Rats! Drat! Curses! Fooey! .....UHHHH, FIDDLESTICKS!"

I mean, this episode is so brilliant bad and overwhelming silly, it even features the rangers getting baked into a giant a colossal cooker!!! Hahahahaha!!! I'm sorry but how can you not enjoy this episode??? It's crazy bad but the execution is just priceless!!! :) Meanwhile, while the rangers and the Blue Senturion are dealing with Mad Mike, Divatox has lost her memory due to a teleportation device that Porto made for her.  I love it how she finds herself at a Pizza Parlor and is forced to work for the owner.  This is the best Carol Hoyt has been this season as seeing Divatox working at a pizza shop with an attitude was just sooooo hilarious.  I wish they kind of kept her like this as she was more entertaining as an amnesic badass than a cartoony, dimwitted villain.

Oh this episode also introduces us to a recurring character in Nico, who will become one of Justin's closest friends.  I like Nico already, especially when he defends Justin to a kid that tries to make fun of him.  It's cool that the writers finally got a friend for Justin around his age, even though the new team is already feeling very natural together.  Also this episode introduces a new weapon for the rangers to use as Dimitria gives the rangers the Turbine Laser.  Overall, "Trouble by the Slice" is mediocre madness that makes for one of the most excellently outrageous hours of the show.  Since when can Porto just make monsters anyway??? Oh who cares!!! This is the same episode where Cassie begs Mad Mike not to eat her cause she's fully cooked!!! AWESOME!!! Hahahaha!!! :)

Final Morph: A-


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