Season 5, Episode 13: The Millennium Message

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"The Millennium Message"
Episode 13
Air Date: May 17th, 1997

Wow, this episode is surprisingly very intriguing.  By introducing a new ally for the rangers in the Blue Senturion, we get an exciting foreshadowing of things to come for the franchise.  Now, I won't give the writers of this season too much credit for foreshadowing the end of the Zordon Era because so far, the building and planning of this season has been the worst. BUT....I'm sure, with this episode at least, they were toying around with the possible end of the show with all the villains so far coming together to conquer the universe like in the message that Blue Senturion plays for Divatox, disguising her voice as Dimitria. Only one for stands in their way....what force that might be is unknown and we don't see it....but it's clearly a team of rangers.....what rangers might that be??? More on that next season!!! :)

As far as plans go, this is one of Divatox's better ones.  Of course, there's a detonator involved because Divatox!  But at least I liked her manipulating the Blue Senturion.  His introduction is cool.  I like the aspects of his character from his law biding nobility to his cruiser and especially his own zord, the Robo Racer.  Of course, he mistakes the rangers for evil at first, having a couple of confrontations with them that led into a fight.  I'm glad though that the Turbo Rangers finally got through to him though and we able to at least see some of the millennium message that was meant for Dimitria.  A part of me wonders if since the Blue Senturion going back in time and delivering this message from the new millennium some how changes to course of events leading to said intergalactic invasion???  It would make sense since the eventual event happens two years earlier in 1998! But anyway, once again, I would be giving the writers of this season too much credit when they proven to be incompetent.  I don't believe they were thinking that far ahead all of a sudden!

Anyway, the monster of the week is Terror Tooth; a silly looking creature that Divatox sends after Katherine when she tries to stop Tommy and the Blue Senturion from fighting.  The sentai footage though is becoming really badly used.  We get a sequence with the rangers calling their zords and fighting Terror Tooth with their Turbo Megazord and suddenly don't call it again when he returns big again.  I get this was out of their control because of the introduction of the Robo Racer but usual when things like this happen on this show, there is at least an explanation!  But like I said before, it's Turbo and we are just suppose to accept when these things happen.  Also,  Alpha 6 continues to a useless piece of junk who complains and needed Justin's help to deactivate the detonator in the Blue Senturion.  So pathetic and he has to nerve to constantly be rude and aggravating to the rangers!!! Anyway, "The Millennium Message" is a solid episode regardless as it has a decent plot with moments of foreshadowing an unforeseen future.  It's not great by any means, but as good as the show can get at this point!

Final Morph: B-


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