Season 4, Episode 50: Good As Gold

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"Good As Gold"
Episode 50
Air Date: November 23rd, 1996

You know, for the season finale to Zeo and the final battle between the Zeo Rangers and the Machine Empire....this was a bit anti-climatic! O_o I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad we got a conclusion to the Gold Ranger powers with Jason sadly giving them back to Trey but there is a lot more that should have been wrapped up and is really frustrating the writers never did after all these years. I mean I'm glad Rita and Zedd finally found the courage to fight back the Machine Empire as the sequence when the Tengas and Cogs were fighting was pretty awesome, not to mention brutal with Tengas getting their feather ripped off and Cogs getting ripped apart piece by piece. Also the ending with the bomb was priceless as clearly the Machine Empire will be out of the picture most definitely for a while until they are rebuilt. I guess the Cogs are in charge of reconstructing them. I mean Mondo was destroyed and came back so the Machine Empire isn't done yet.....and I kinda wish they stuck around...more on that next season!!! -_-

But like I said, the final battle was fine but should have been epic. I get the writers and producers ran out of Sentai footage to use from Ohranger but it sucks we didn't get to see an epic zord fight between Mondo and the rangers. I would have loved to have seen Mondo just do a full on attack on the entire world with the rangers having to unleash their entire zord arsenal to save the world. Wouldn't it have been awesome if the finale battle had the rangers using the Zeo Crystal to destroy the entire Machine Empire once and for all in an epic last fight that forced them to lose their powers and have to find new ones again??? I mean wouldn't that have been awesome and made more sense than....sigh....what came after!!?? -_-

I guess I'll just save my rant for Turbo but my goodness, what were the writers thinking about ending such a good season on such a whimper. I mean the last scene is touching between Jason and Tommy, showing their ever lasting bromance and friendship is still strong given their history. I mean seeing Tommy encouraging Jason after losing his powers is very reminiscent of when Tommy lost his powers in Season 1 and 2 but had the other rangers support. Anyway, the rangers growing giant sized and defeating Mondo was a cool moment. I guess the Zeo Crystal really did make them stronger as last time I check Mondo beat the hell out of Tommy but here, he and Trey defeat him nicely. Again, nice but there could have been so much more done with this. I wanted an epic conclusion to the Zeo saga not your average episode with some minor wrap ups. Either way, "Good As Good" is fine, just a bit underwhelming for a season finale.

Final Morph: C+


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