Season 4, Episode 46: Another Song and Dance

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"Another Song and Dance"
Episode 46
Air Date: November 15, 1996

OOOOOOhhhh this episode!!! Lol, you have Prince Gasket and Archerina leading the Machine Empire on a full scale attack on Angel Grove....juxaposed to Queen Machina coming up with the dumbest and silliest plan yet all season to make Tommy and Tanya sing constantly so Tommy can't operate the Red Battlezord.....sigh.....I'm so torn by this episode. Finally, a full on attack by the Machine Empire....but we have the annoying shrieking of Tommy and Tanya singing their lungs out. I mean it's hard to take this episode seriously as you can clearly see that the cast behind Nakia and Jason are finding it hard to keep a straight face. I mean my goodness, couldn't the writers have found a better way to explain to sequence of the Super Zeo Megazord and Red Battlezord dancing until they collapsed!!! I love cheese as much as any ranger fan but this episode was the peak of over the top silliness from the show yet. And I haven't even gotten to Turbo and the episode with giant ranger pizza!!! O_O

I honestly have to say out of the villains that Queen Machina is officially the worst villain to come out of the Machine Empire. First it was her plan to make the rangers stink and now THIS!!! Jesus lady, what is up with these bullsh!t schemes??? I mean it's no wonder she remained in the background for the most part as just the loyal wife of the King but my goodness, she is clearly not the brains of the operation. I mean at this point, we've seen little Prince Sprocket come up with better plans than his fully born....I mean fully built mother!!! O_O And another thing, we have this pretty awesome fight between the rangers and Machine Empire's forces but it's almost void because we have to constantly heard Tommy singing at the top of his lungs "Restore the link/Or We'll all sink"!!!

I did like seeing the Quadrafighters attack the zord holding bay when Jason and Adam were in the Power Chamber. Isn't it a shame when Austin delivers his lines after Johnny, it really highlights how awful Johnny is compared to him as well as how boring Adam is??? O_o Anyway, the toys....I mean zords are saved by them and Alpha while the rangers deal with Mechaterpillar....who turns out to be a very impressive looking monster. I like it can separate into individual parts and damage the megazords so easily. Oh and another great moment??? King Mondo's back!!! Yaaaaayy!!!! Can Machina go away and just have him, Gasket, Archerina, Sprocket, etc. as the New Machine Empire??? Anyway, "Another Song and Dance" is a ridiculous half hour of awesome action but an awful plot. It's just too bizarre and annoying for me at times while fun and entertaining at others. It's mediocre at best for that reason.

Final Morph: C-


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