Season 4, Episode 42: King For A Day, Part 1

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"King For A Day, Part 1"
Episode 42
Air Date: November 7th, 1996

Hmmmmm, it's not that this was a bad episode, it's just I remember "King For A Day" being better than this. It's very light on action and continues to be more of a set up than an actual eventful episode. I always like seeing the rangers under a spell, mind control, etc. Sometimes it can be really good like "Best Man For the Job" or a complete misfire like "The Potion Notion". I gotta say when it comes to manipulation, Gasket does a pretty god job of making Tommy believe he's the ruler of the Machine Empire and that the Power Rangers are evil doers trying to take over the universe. It's just fun and funny seeing Tommy being used like this again. When it comes to spells, mind control, etc., he's the ranger who always seems to get the most attention in that department. I'm sure the writers just have fun with making Tommy bad....or in this case, deceptively good???

I gotta say I like the Gladiatorial Arena where all the former monsters and Cogs are audiences members in a competition where the toughest fighter is put up against another. It's always refreshing to see new sets and locations on this show instead of the same places like a quarry, Angel Grove park, the lake, etc. I liked Altor, who was the monster Gasket used the brain scrambler on as well to give him Tommy's powers. His fight scenes were decent but it was a shame to see him defeated so easily by Jason. Speaking of Jason, we get a great moment of continuity when Kat and Jason are looking for Tommy at the lake again and he tells Kat he can't let Tommy down again; obviously referring to the "Green Candle" two parters in Season 1. It's nice to see that moment still driving Jason as not only a ranger but as Tommy's friend; to not fail to find him when it seems all hope is lost.

I guess what also brings the episode down for me is that Bulk and Skull are once again dragged into the story. I men do these two constantly have to be dragged into these otherworldly adventures with the rangers when they are just more of  nuisance than anything else??? Also it's good to see Billy again as these are some of David Yost's final episodes on the show. A shame as we are continuing to see more and more less of Billy.  Also, it will be interesting to see how Lord Zedd and Rita play into the outcome of these two episodes. Otherwise, "King For A Day, Part 1" is a pretty decent episode with a good plot but weaker elements that hold it back from being great! Also, that opening sequence with Tommy's dream was very cool visually! :)

Final Morph: C+ 


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