Season 4, Episode 33: Revelations of Gold

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"Revelations of Gold"
Episode 33
Air Date: October 3rd, 1996

Man, the whole sequence of the Varox bounty hunters shooting and chasing after the Gold Ranger in Pyramidas......O_o....I know it was the 90s and this is a kids show, but goodness, those effects were SOOOOO bad. I mean I get what the production was going for but considering the limited budget they had I don't even know why they would attempt a sequence like that. But then again from a story perspective, it's finally great to see progression of the Gold Ranger arc by finally getting to point and the revealing who is behind the mask..errr helmet!!! When Pyramidas sinks into the depths of Aquitar and the Alien Rangers rescue him, the attack on his zord causes him to de-morph and it's.....absolutely no one we know!!! Seriously, like I said what was up with the misdirection of who he might be and the foreshadowing that it might be someone Zordon and Alpha know if it was going to be a completely new character???

Anyway, this new character is Trey of Triforia, Lord and Prince of the planet who's been using his powers for good since his people are a race of peaces keepers who go to other planets to help defeat the forces of evil. With Aquitar unfit for Trey, they contact the Power Chamber on Earth and asks Zordon to teleport him there so he can recover. But when Mondo gets word of the Gold Ranger's survival, he orders Klank to put a force field over the Power Chamber so the Gold Ranger can be destroyed on impact. With time running out, the rangers ask Billy to redirect his teleportation to the beach. The rangers quickly teleport there and save Trey's life but it's too late as he divides into his three separate beings: Trey of Courage, Trey of Wisdom and Trey of Heart. Yeah....very silly but go with it boys and girls!!! O_O

Apparently, with Trey now in his three separate beings can't take on the Gold Ranger powers and must transfer them to someone else quickly before they are lost forever. I love how everyone is in automatic agreement of who should take the powers and immediately call on Billy to teleport the 3 Treys back to the Power Chamber. As Quadrafighters attack them, The 5 core rangers morph while the Treys stay back and get ready for teleportation. Soon some Cogs arrive and the rangers them while the entire royal house of gadgetry arrives to steal the Gold Ranger powers. Awesome!!! :) As the Cogs grab them, Billy finally takes down the shield over the Power Chamber and teleports them to safety. As the rangers deal with the Machine Empire, Billy steps forward to take on the Gold Ranger powers. But when the rangers return to the Power Chamber, Billy reveals he can't take on the powers because of some dumb reason having to do with the Command Center explosion and that moment he took in a blast from one of the damaged consoles.

It sucks as seeing Billy as the Gold Ranger would have been awesome!!! God, no wonder David Yost left the show soon after, even if behind the scenes humiliation for his sexuality were ultimately due to it. Anyway, with time running out, Tommy says he knows someone else who can take on the powers as the episode ends. Overall, "Revelations of Gold" was a very solid episode that pushes the season's story forward as well as finally revealing who the Gold Ranger is. Now we can finally move on to more interesting surprises ahead! :)

Final Morph: B+


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