Season 4, Episode 30: Oily To Bed, Oily To Rise

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"Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise"
Episode 30
Air Date: September 20th, 1996

Meh, just your typical episode of Power Rangers...but then again....ANYTHING can be an upgrade from "A Season To Remember". So the teens are enjoying a day at the beach as Rocky is lifeguarding and Katherine is participating in the surfing tournament. Aren't these teens so talented that they can do martial arts, swim, dive, surf, ride motorcycles, etc.??? I mean they're just so perfect! So Kat is up next in the competition when Mondo gets an idea from Sprocket to convert all the water on Earth into toxic oil aka Cog oil. Not a bad plan all things considered. To do this, the Machine Empire brings back Leakey Faucet from "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" as they will have him go into the pipes of the city and pollute it with the Cog oil.

Meanwhile, Tanya and Adam are "sparring" at the Youth Center when they decide to get some water from Ernie, when they see the green slime pouring out everywhere into the cup, they smell it and realize that it's Cog oil. As they investigate at the Power Chamber, Billy figures out that it really is Cog oil as the Cogs plan to dump a whole bunch of toxic oil into the ocean that will soon contaminate the water of the entire world. What is this Captain Planet??? O_o lol Anyway, Tanya and Adam morph and fight off the Cogs at the beach trying to stop them but they are unable to as it pours into the ocean. The two rangers contact Zordon to tell the other rangers about the contaminate water and teleport back to the Power Chamber.

Meanwhile, David, hanging out with the others, notices the green slime in the water and contact Zordon about it, who tells them what's going on. So others know David knows they are the Power Rangers and they're are just cool with that??? O_o Uhhhh....ok! Anyway, while Rocky clears the beach, Tommy and David go off to save Kat when a wave knocks them out for a bit and they lost Kat. She eventually resurfaces and notices the green slime in the water as all three use the surf board to swim back to shore. Meanwhile, at the Power Chamber, Billy and the other rangers find out it's Leaky Faucet behind the Cog oil and rush into battle to stop him. When the three teens make it back to shore, Zordon contacts the rangers to regroup with the David mysteriously disappears. Tommy, Kat and Rocky morph as the 5 rangers reunite and fight Leaky Faucet.

Unfortunately, he is not able to be penetrated....ok let me word that differently O_O....he is not able to hit by the rangers' attacks and weapons as he can turn to liquid. Klank and Orbus order him to head back into the pipes as the rangers track him down and force him out of the pipes soon after. Leaky Faucet lures the rangers to a fight with some Cogs as the Gold Ranger appears to help! After defeating the Cogs, the blasts from the rangers' weapons still go right through him as Tommy gets an idea. The rangers lure Leaky Faucet into a trap by shooting at the pipes, freezing him in his tracks. After the Gold Ranger finishes him, Klank and Orbus make him grow. The 6 rangers summon all of their zords to form the Zeo Ultrazord to finally destroy Leaky Faucet once and for all. Overall, this wasn't a bad episode, not great either. It's filler in the overall Gold Ranger arc really. But I don't like the constant misdirection as the eventual reveal of who he is....well....we'll get to that! -_-

Final Morph: C+


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