Season 4, Episode 26: Game of Honor

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"Game of Honor"
Episode 26
Air Date: September 16th, 1996

Okay, so we can see the rangers training to fight but not have an official unmorphed fight with the Cogs. I get that the Cogs are pretty dangerous foot soldiers to fight unmorphed but my goodness, that opening sequence of Adam fighting against those mysterious ninjas was awesome!!! Man this show has come far from the pathetic early fights it use to have in bad slow mo and bizarre editing to make the fight scenes look cool. So the others are helping Adam train for the latest Kung Fu Tournament in Angel Grove when they discover a bizarre medallion in the forest. They have Billy check it out as it seems to be radiating some kind of energy and it's made from any metal on Earth.  Meanwhile, Adam is continuing to train on the beach as Tanya watches (I swear those two should have been paired together before Zeo was over) when...SIGH.....Shawn shows up with his new girlfriend, Veronica. Let's just say Shawn hasn't changed and his new girlfriend is a definite downgrade from Tanya.

Anyway, it turns out King Mondo is using these medallions as an invisibility field for his fleet of ships he is hiding in the forest. I got to say as far as plans go, at least King Mondo is now attempting to use his vast army of robots to attack the Earth. One thing I have to say about the Machine Empire is that the thing freakin' huge and has almost an endless army of robots and it's a shame Mondo hasn't just said f^&* it and send down his entire army to attack all at once, overwhelming the rangers and destroying them for good. But then we would have no show, so I get it. Anyway, as Billy discovers the purpose of the medallion, he tries to see if he shut off the source of the energy emanating from the other medallions to finally destroy King Mondo's ships.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull's latest detective asignment leads to the forest where they are captured by Mondo's forces, Admiral Abominator and an platoon of Cogs. As the cage the two idiots up, the rangers see them captured and prepare to meet Mondo's forces to free them. When Tanya and Adam arrive in the Power Chamber, they morph and teleport to the forest where they free Bulk and Skull. After they are freed, they engage the Cogs and fight off the Admiral as well until Klank makes the Admiral grow with Orbis and the rangers have call on their Zeo Zords as well as the Red Battlezord. They soon form the Zeo Mega Battlezord to destroy the Admiral.

Next Adam faces off with Shawn in the final round of the tournament and decides not to use one of the medallions he found in the forest to cheat!!! Wow, maybe people like Shawn can change. What follows is a decent fight between them but Adam is victorious. Shawn goes over to congratulate him as well as apologize to both him and Tanya. As they forgive and forget, Adam is given his trophy. So I wonder what happened to Veronica's stuck up ass??? Did she end up going to the school of Angela Bitchface??? O_o Probably, anyway, "Game of Honor" was a pretty good episode and I enjoyed most of it even if Bulk and Skull shoved into the story as damsels in distress was pretty annoying. At least Bulk mentioned Skull's piano playing. Continuity this season has been special! :)

Final Morph: B-


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