Season 4, Episode 25: Song Sung Yellow

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"Song Sung Yellow"
Episode 25
Air Date: September 13th, 1996

You know how much I LOVE Tanya!!! So a part of me is kind of disappointed by this episode. Not that it shows Tanya in a bad light or anything but man were those songs she sang TERRIBLE!!! O_O "Stick together, yeah!" "We're gonna stick together, from now til forever!" BlAHK!! o_O What were the writers thinking??? The melody and everything is just so basic!!! I mean they could have put a lot more effort into it instead of the half assed lyrics and boring music.  Also no offense to Nakia Burrise, but Tanya's voice wasn't exactly the greatest voice. I swear that record producer was acting like Tanya was the next Whitney Houston when she was barely a Brandy. Hey, like I said, I love Tanya but I couldn't take that portion of the story seriously. Also, the lesson she learns by the end of the episode isn't surprising as we knew she would chose her friends and ranger duties over a singing career. Yeah! O_o

In other news, the main monster of the week plot was pretty forgettable as it's Prince Sprocket's birthday and his parents decide to give him a new monster to use against the rangers. This time the monster is Wrecking Ball, who has to be one of the mos ridiculous looking designs to come out Ohranger.  But before the monster is unleashed upon Angel Grove, Mondo has a couple of Cogs steal some party supplies from the Youth Center as the teens help Ernie set up for his Juice Bar After Hours club. It leads to a pretty laughable scene of the rangers using pies to defeat the Cogs. The only true hilarious moment of the whole sequence is seeing the last Cog left getting hit by a swarm of pies by the rangers.  Why can't we have more genuine moments of laughter on this show instead of the forced humor we get with Bulk and Skull.

Speaking of those two, for their first assignment at the Detective Agency, Lt. Stone sends them out of a mission to find fake producers trying to offer people fake singing contracts. Of course, they assume the record producer that's after Tanya is fake and they make themselves look like idiots as usual because of it.  Meanwhile, while Tanya continues to perform, the rangers deal with Wrecking Ball and a squad of Cogs.  Tommy handles Wrecking Ball with his Red Battlezord while the other rangers handle the Cogs. Overall, the episode wasn't bad by any means, but for an episode centered around one of my favorite rangers of the season, it was waaaaaayyyy too average for me!

Final Morph: C


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