Season 2, Episode 7: The Green Dream

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"The Green Dream"
Episode 7
Air Date: September 19, 1994

Well, I'll give the episode this, it's a clear foreshadowing that Tommy's powers are gonna run out very soon. Other than that, not really  fan of this episode and you'll see why!! So Tommy's been having this recurring dream of him losing his powers for the point he doesn't notice Kimberly when she says hi to him. Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull are trying to figure out who the Power Rangers are by listening to the people's voices at the Juice Bar but my goodness, if their just put their two extremely dense heads together they would know that the multi-colored so called dweebs they fail to pick on a daily basis so happen to be the Power Rangers...ehhhh!!! -_- Oh, Billy creates this scrambler device to use on Lord Zedd and uses it on Bulk and Skull to mistake Ernie as a ranger! Hahahaha so funny! -_-  Meanwhile, Zedd gets an idea to put Tommy under his control during his weakened state to steal the Sword of Power from the rangers....and here's where I'm like HUH??? What the hell is the Sword of Power and why is this being mentioned NOW!?! Seriously, would have been nice if the writers set this up instead of all of a sudden having this very powerful item that could have permanently given him his powers back. What's even worse is after this episode, the thing is never mentioned again!!! -_- When clearly it's a very powerful weapon!!

Anyway, when Tommy heads to the library to write his essay, he gets attacked by Zedd's Putties and seems to be winning until they capture him and teleport away to the dark chamber. There, Goldar puts a spell on Tommy using Zedd's staff and orders him to steal the Sword of Power for his master. Suddenly, Goldar sees in Tommy's text book a picture of a Goat warrior and shows it to Lord Zedd; to which he turns it into his latest monster: RoboGoat.....just go with it!! o_o So when Zordon and Alhpa get word of Zedd's new monster, he contacts the rangers as Tommy sneaks back in with them; ready to steal the sword. So once at the Command Center, Zordon shows them RoboGoat in the viewing globe. When Tommy suggests they summon the Sword of Power to re-energize his powers; all 6 do so and Tommy quickly reveals it was all a set up to get the sword and teleports away with it.  The teens are left shocked that Tommy has gone bad again as Tommy returns to the Dark Chamber and hands the Sword over to RoboGoat; to Tommy's shock when the spell wears off. RoboGoat teleports away as Tommy morphs and goes after him. Tommy tracks RoboGoat to a quarry where he sees the sword's blade sticking out of the ground. It's of course a trap as the two fight and Tommy is bested by the monster.

Back at the Command Center, Alpha tracks Tommy to the quarry where he is defeated and weakened; leaving the others to go save him and fight RoboGoat. They morph and arrive at the quarry where RoboGoat traps 4 rangers inside a crevice. With Jason the only one left, he faces off against the monster until Zordon manages to teleport the sword back to safety.....ok?!? O_o Anyway, as they both continue to fight; the other 4 rangers are released as they prepare to finish off the monster. Lord Zedd has other plans and summons a bomb that he throws at the monster to make him grow. Now giant sized, the rangers summon their Thuderzords one by one until they form Thunder Megazord....Mega Thunderzord....Thunder Megazord....just pick one already!!! -_- So as the rangers fight the monster in their zords, Zordon contacts Tommy to help but even as his friends her getting defeated he's too weak to summon the Dragonzord. After being tossed around...literally! O_o The rangers get the Thunder Megazord up and finish off the monster with the Thunder Saber. Lord Zedd is pissed and yells at his minions about failing again....dude you're starting to sound like Rita....what is going on?!? O_o

The episode ends with Tommy feeling down like his powers are about to be gone for good with Kimberly and Jason reassuring him that he lost his powers before and came back. But Tommy believes that this time will be for the last time. It's a real foreboding ending that I like inside of ending on a dumb joke or Bulk and Skull's stupidity. Overall, I didn't really like the episode. The whole Sword of Power thing comes out of no where and kinda pissed me off it's just this one episode thing that never mentioned again. Also when the rangers are seeing RoboGoat for the first time in the viewing Globe, he already has the sword!!! Seriously, how does this stuff get away with the editors!? O_O

Final Morph: C- 


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