Season 1, Episode 57: Enter...The Lizzinator

"Enter...The Lizzinator"
Episode 57
Air Date: May 6, 1994

Meh!!! This episode was alright I guess...if you like being messages of self-confidence and being who you are shoved done your throats. So the Angel Grove Junior Cheer leading Tryouts are coming soon as Kimberly and Tommy watch as her cousin, Kelly, practices with the other girls who will be trying out. Kimberly and Tommy thinks she's doing great; especially Tommy with her apparently following in Kimberly's footsteps as we find out she use to be a cheerleader as well. When Kelly messes up, she's seriously worried that she won't make the team when Kimberly goes over the cheer again but Kelly still doesn't think she can do it. Meanwhile, up in the Palace on the moon, Rita gets an idea to release the Lizzinator....yes, the Lizzinator...against the rangers while she kidnaps Kimberly's she can cheer for her??? Yeah, anyway, the other teens arrive at the Juice Bar with Ernie asking them if they can pick up some supplies for him downtown since he's usual truck couldn't make it. When the Jason volunteers, the rest of the gang head over to Tommy where Kimberly is trying to teach he cousin the cheer. I just LOVE the bad acting from the actress playing Kelly, it's so deliciously terrible....ahhhhhhh!!! :)

After Kelly runs off, Kimberly and Tommy find her at the park all sad and lonely. Kimberly sits next to her on the swings and gives her some advice about working hard and just being yourself, blah, blah, blah. Rita sends the Putties to destruct Kim and Tommy while Squatt and Baboo make off with Kelly. After she's kidnapped, Kimberly and Tommy head to the Juice Bar to tell the others while Jason is still picking up Ernie's supplies at a factory. The Lizzinator bashes through a wall in building and begins attacking. Jason close by, morphs and confronts the monster who has the most stereotypical Arnold Schwarzenegger accent I have ever heard!!! Then again....Lizzinator....get it!?? -_- Jason and the Lizzinator fight; with the monster even lifting and throwing a car at him...LOL! After Jason gets beaten by the monster, he teleports away leaving Jason frustrated. Back at the Command Center, all the rangers regroup and Zordon tells them the Lizzinator is a tough monster with intergalactic metal skin or something; making him virtually indestructible; that's why Jason had so much trouble fighting him.

Apparently, only the combined strength of all 6 rangers are needed but even Zordon doesn't think that will be enough to defeat the monster. The rangers do so anyway to save Kim's cousin as well as Tommy, who despite having limited powers, knows he's needed with his friends. All 6 rangers morph and head to a rock quarry where the Lizzinator is about to attack....a random car in the middle of no where O_o??? Anyway, the rangers begin to fight as Lizzinator sends a squad of Putties after them. Meanwhile, Kelly is sitting in a cave with Squatt and Baboo acting a fool until she remembers what Kimberly said and asks them if they want to learn some cheers....ok......back at the quarry, Jason decides to fight the Lizzinator head on and manages to get the car door open...only to be punched in the face by a Puttie...HA!!! The Puttie then backs up and tries to run Jason over but he flips on to the car and holds on. The Lizzinator attacks Jason while he holds on; causing explosions everywhere until Jason falls off. The Lizzinator then throws some rocks at Jason hurting him. Jesus, Jason is taking a hard beating this episode! O_O When the Lizzinator is about to throw a huge boulder at him Tommy comes out of no where and kicks it back at the Lizzinator as that Green Ranger theme kicks in (BAD. ASSSS!!! :) Tommy goes to Jason who's badly hurt then takes on the Lizzinator himself.

Back in the cave, Kelly is beginning to tire Squatt and Baboo up with her cheers. Back at the fight, Tommy and Lizzinator go at it until they come to a stand still. The rangers regroup and prepare to combine their forces when Rita makes Lizzinator grow. Tommy summons Dragonzord and a zord fight begins. But when the Lizzinator is too much for it, the other rangers call on their zords and form the megazord. Both zords fight Lizzinator but he proves to be more than a match for both of them. The rangers then summon the Titanus to create the Ultrazord and fire all their weapons which destroys the monster for good. So much for that indestructible metal skin bullsh!t, Zordumb!!! -_- Back at the cave, Kelly has made Squatt and Baboo so tired that they teleport away and the rangers teleport in after finding her coordinates thanks to Alpha. The next day, Kelly and the teens are getting ready for her tryout when....Bulk and Skull show not EVERY episode needs these two!!! -_- We were home free until you shoved these two back on screen. Ignoring their predictable idiocy, Kelly and Kimberly have a tender moment before Kelly is called. Her audition consists of cheesy 90s dance moves....hell, just bad dance moves period!! I just love how everyone looks impressed, especially Zack's forced "man she can dance!" reaction/mannerisms. REALLY!? LOL She makes the squad to everyone's excitement and joy. YAYYYYYY!!! :).........*chokes on finger*

Meh, this episode was lame!! I didn't like the main plot and Kim's cousin was annoying; acting in all! The Lizzinator was over the top cheesy...but then this is Power Rangers, what did I suspect??? O_o Meh.....

Final Morph: C-


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