Season 2, Episode 3: The Mutiny, Part 3

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"The Mutiny, Part 3"
Episode 3
Air Date: August 5, 1994

It's the final showdown between the rangers and Zedd's Pirantis Head as the monster uses the zords to attack the citizens of Angel Grove. Luckily, Billy and Trini are able to fix the device in time as the zords begin attacking the rally. I got to say how long is this freakin' race since A LOT is happening during it. As the rangers regroup and try to use the device, Pirantix Head forces the zords to attack them once again which is plain hilarious watching the rangers get out of the way of their big feet. The rangers come up with a plan to form their Power Blaster to stall the attack from Pirantis Head and fire at him. Turns out Billy's device didn't work because he had one of the batteries upside down...ahahahha...-_-...anyway, as soon as he fixes that, the device works and the zords stop their attack as the rangers get control. Zedd pissed off that the rangers have control again, he uses his staff to banish the zord back into the Earth. It's sad to see the original zords go but luckily, Tommy is able to save the Dragonzord from Zedd and force it back into the sea.

Meanwhile, Alpha is running frantic around the Command Center as Zordon orders him to quickly save enough of the old zords that the new ones work. Meanwhile, Lord Zedd, fed up with the rangers, creates a bomb and throws it at Pirantis Head who uses it to make himself grow. Yes, this is the new growing method for monsters this season!!! :)  As Pirantis Head grows, the rangers retreat back to the Command  Center and are sad that the old zords are gone. But fear not Zordon says and Alpha managed to get enough of the old zords so that the new zord can be operational. Unfortunately, Tommy must stay behind as his powers can't sustain a new zord. The rangers head "back into action! again as we get our first zord summoning sequence of the Thunderzords and boy is it a badass sequence!! Sure it's just reused footage of Zyuranger but seeing the old zords hit by lightning to become the new zord one by one for the first time is still an awesome visual! :) It's just so cool seeing a new fleet of zords being controlled as the Red Dragon transforms into it's fight mode and the other 4 form into their individual parts as well.

The Mega Thurderzord has got to be one of my favorite zords from the franchise and one I always get mad at myself I never got the toy as a kid.  Once the Mega Thunderzord is formed, the rangers engage in a fight with Pirantis Head. If you watch this episode, you'll notice that there is no phsyical contact between the monster and megazord, something that will become more of an editing annoyance throughout the season but here, it's fairly decent. We get some cool shots of the new megazord in action and I love the brief part where it summons lighting to shock Pirantis Head. Soon we get the new finishing move with the new megazord as it uses it's Thunder Saber to destroy Pirantis Head once and for all. I love Zedd's reaction, yelling at everyone that they failed, NOT him! Of course, you know this means war as Zedd is gonna stick around until the rangers are defeated for good and he takes over the world! :) At the Command Center, Zordon congratulates the rangers on their victory over Lord Zedd as the new zords means sort of a new beginning for them all. Tommy is down about not being able to join them but the other rangers reassure him he will always be one them since he saved them so many times. You guys noticed that too right!?! -_-

The rangers then ask about Rita's whereabouts and they see in the viewing globe her singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" or some censored version I think. But the REALLY creepy part is seeing Zordon's face as he sings along in hilarity....I just....did NOT need to see that, EHHHH!!! o_O Oh and the teens help Bulk and Skull, blah, blah, blah. They tell the others they're going to find the identities of the Power which I say...notice how Jason and the other dress with the same colors as the Power Rangers' damn suits, you idiots!!! -_- Oh this plot is gonna get old...FAST!!! The episode concludes with them finishing the race, blah, blah, blah.

Overall, this was a satisfying conclusion to the premiere as now we have a new status quo for the show. New villain, new foot soldiers and new zords for the rangers to pilot against overgrown monster. It's still the same old, goofy, over the top cheesy Power Rangers but at least the show is maturing and growing by embracing more American original footage as well as characters. On to the next episode!

Final Morph: B+


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