Season 1, Episode 40: Doomsday, Part 2

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"Doomsday, Part 2"
Episode 40
Air Date: November 30, 1993

You know if there's one thing about this episode is not only are the stakes raised higher than they have ever been before but there is a strong sense of finality to the show that won't be felt until the final two episodes of "Power Rangers In Space". Originally, this was where Power Rangers, both the season and franchise itself was suppose to end but do to the immense worldwide popularity of the show, the creator Haim Saban decided to keep the show going!!! Because of that, "Doomsday, Part 2" doesn't just feel like a conclusion to a two parter but the end of the Power Rangers as Jason exclaims during a brief moment in the episode.  Luckily, the show would go on to continue for over 2 decades but here, I like that there's this uncertainty of where the rangers go from here after such a tough battle.

The episode opens with the rangers at the Command Center wondering what to do next as Zordon gives the rangers exposition again about Cyclopsis and how they are royally screwed with the zords at half power. Jason suggests they face off against Cyclopsis and Lokar with the rangers at half power anyway with the people of Angel Grove still in danger. Billy as well as the other rangers are worried; even Zordon saying if they fight with the zords at half power there's a chance they might all be destroyed with their zords, powers and overall morphin' grind being lost. WOW!!! O_O But what I love here is that the rangers are adamant about saving the day while risking their own lives. Once again showing why they were chosen in the first place to become the Power Rangers in the first place.  What follows is the most brutal and graphic megazord fight so far with the original megazord getting one of it's arms cut off and slamming into a building. Jesus!!! Even Dragonzord is no match for the resurrected Cyclopsis as it cuts it's tail over during the fight as well.  Lokar then blasts both zords and Rita uses her wand to finally destroy them.  The zords suddenly dissolve and disappear piece by piece; forcing the rangers to abandon them.

They fall and land in the park, where they try to contact Zordon but communication to the Command Center is down.  Billy quickly informs the rangers that their zords are actually ok and safe in their hiding places as Zordon and Alpha apparently put a safety measure to make sure if the zords were heavily damaged they would transport back to their original why was Zordon so worried about the rangers getting destroyed then??? Also why not tell them of this safety measure before risking their lives???! Anyway, the rangers head to Billy's house so he can fix the communication of their communicators while Rita is celebrating with her minions.  Then she sends Goldar to destroy the rangers for good. Meanwhile, Zordon and Alpha have apparently accessed Rita's Moon Palace database and can now use this information to defeat her once and all.  Back at Billy's, while he's working on the communicators, Goldar and two Putties arrive. Jason tells Billy to keep working while him and the other rangers....just stand there??? O_o And then Goldar knocks over some stuff on table and continues to gloat inside of just killing...sigh...destroying them right there.  Anyway, Billy finally fixes the communication and they are able to teleport out there. Rita's all pissed because he let them get away cause he really did.

Back at the Command Center, Zordon and Alpha are relieved the rangers are ok and with the information they now have, tells them how to defeat Cyclopsis for good this time.  Apparently, they have to keep switching zord modes to confuse it and finally blast it with the combined strength of the Ultrazord. As Zordon tells them that, we get an epic shot of Titanus rising from the ground (if you can excuse the bad editing and effects!!! lol) The rangers then morph into action and immediately call their zords individually one by one.  They first form the original megazord and fight Cyclopsis. When they begin to struggle even with the Power Sword, they call on Dragonzord to help. Dragonzord manages to destroy Cyclopsis' swords and then the rangers form Dragonzord Battle Mode. It's a tough fight but when Dragonzord smashes into a building, Titanus comes back into play and the rangers form the Ultrazord. With Cyclopsis now confused, the rangers fire all weapons and destroy Cyclopsis....for good right??? Yup! For good!! :) As the rangers celebrate, Rita escapes with her Palace just she yells at Goldar for telling her to do so. lol Back at the park, all the people return as they celebrate the arrival of the Power Rangers.  I love how Tommy appears to defend all the rangers for being awesome to a bunch of kids as the rangers come by and shake his hand.  The mayor makes a speech and the rangers bask in the appreciation of the citizens of Angel Grove!
; even doing their signature "hands together and jump" move!!!

At the Command Center, Zordon congratulates the team for a job well done and suddenly offers them a choice of whether to stay rangers or go back to their normal lives. It's a really touching moment as the teens decide to stay Power Rangers and Zordon tells them how proud of them he is by saying "May the Power protect you always". :) The teens come together to put their hands together. again. and jump; saying "Power Rangers" like they did in the Pilot. Overall, I really liked this episode! It doesn't exactly rap up everything together but it's a strong conclusion to a pair of episodes that could have easily been a series finale to the franchise! Luckily, this did not happen and the show was able to continue but Haim Saban had run out of footage to use for Power Rangers from the Sentai. So he call Toei, told him he need fresh new footage to continue the season and he did! Known as the Zyu2 footage, all new in-suit scenes were made strictly for the show until early next season! Wow! Anyway...

Final Morph: B+


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