Season 2, Episode 2: The Mutiny, Part 2

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"The Mutiny, Part 2"
Episode 2
Air Date: July 29, 1994

Well, the rangers are in a bit pickle with most of their zords now frozen. Luckily, the Tyrannosaurs is still functional and heads toward Pirantis Head but he soon takes control of it when Lord Zedd orders him to with his staff. Tyrannosaurus begins attacking the rangers; leaving it up to Tommy to come and help them with the Dragonzord. As Tommy is given more power by Zordon, he immediately heads out to heads out to help the others (I like how his helmet teleports on to him before he teleports out! :) Back in the city, as Tommy reunites with his friends, he summons the Dragonzord with his flute. As both zords fight, Zedd uses his staff once again to make the Pirantis Head put the Dragonzord under his control. As the rangers try to get the Draonzord under control, he attacks them and forces them to retreat as now they have lost all the zords.  Lord Zedd rejoices as he has won and now having control of the rangers' zords; which will lead him to easily dominate the world.

Back at the Command Center, the rangers are worried as they have now lost their zords that they have pretty much lost. Zordon and ALpha pretty much tell them there's nothing they can do about the old zord...but that they would new whole new zords to battle Lord Zedd...with the power of Thunder!!! :) The rangers are all confused as Alpha leads them out to the Command Center. Outside, Zordon honors each ranger with new zord; The Red Dragon Thunderzord for Jason, the Lion Thunderzord for Zack, the Griffen Thunderzord for Trini, the Unicorn Thunderzord for Billy (REALLY!?! -_-) and the Firebird Thunderzord for Kimberly. When Tommy doesn't get a zord, Kimberly questions it and Alpha says they are not sure Tommy's powers can handle a new zord being so weak. But before the new zords can be used, they must gain control of the old zords; leading Billy and Alpha to come up with an idea to create a device to jam Lord Zedd's magical frequency on the zords so they can gain control again. Billy, with Trini's help, heads to his home to start working on it while the others wait to fight.

Meanwhile, Lord Zedd continues to rejoice and tells his Pirantis Head to head toward the city to start taking over with his flute that can control machinery. Yes,  Piranha monster that can control machines....only on Power Rangers!!! O_o Meanwhile, the rangers get the alert from the alarms in the Command Center that something is amiss and they see in the viewing Globe that Pirantis Head is heading for the four wheeler race and that it will take control of the four machines again like I said. The 4 rangers want to go fight, but with them being vulnerable and their zords under control of Lord Zedd, Zordon tells them no and that they could risk being destroyed. Meanwhile, Billy and Trini continue to work on the device. Back at the Command Center, the rangers can't wait any longer as Billy and Trini say they aren't done yet when contacted. Zordon, even against his wishes, wishes them luck and Jason says "back to action!" again and heads back to where the Pirantis Head is. Meanwhile, at the Moon Palace, Lord Zedd says he will draw the rangers out in a trap; then have them be destroyed by their own zords. Meanwhile, Pirantis Head messes with Bulk and Skull when Zedd tells them he sense intruders. Couldn't Zedd just destroy them??? O_O

Anyway, as the rangers look around the Pirantis Head appears then disappears as the Z-putties appear to attack them. The rangers fight them until they are all defeated but when Zedd orders Pirantis Head to activate the Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord again, the rangers are in deep sh!t again because they have no way of defending themselves against the zords. The zords continue to blast them. Instead of just you know, teleporting the rangers to safety, Zordon pretty much tell the rangers to hold on while the new zords are on stand by as Trini and Billy aren't done yet. Uhhhh Overall, this was a good episode and continues to make Lord Zedd look like a formidable new villain for the rangers. The introduction of the Thuderzords is cool foreshadowing of the next episode and continued evolution of the rangers fight against their new villain.

Final Morph: A-


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