Season 1, Episode 43: Something Fishy

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"Something Fishy"
Episode 43
Air Date: February 9, 1994

Hmmm, I don't know what to think of this episode yet or rate it....Hmmmm. I think I'll review it and then try to get all of my thoughts together. The episode begins with the teens coming out of class and talking about going scuba which I just want to ask....HUH!!? o_o When the hell do these teenagers, who are suppose to be high school freshmen, find the time to go scuba diving??? Also, don't they have karate classes to teach like Hip Hop Kiddo??? How do they find the time to do all of thee extracurricular activities, teach these classes, do homework, be all socially conscious about the environment AND save the world from rubber suited monsters from destroying the freakin' world!! God, this show is so unrealistic even without the superpowers, super villains and giant floating head spewing exposition on a daily basis!!! Anyway, Bulk and Skull come and make fools of themselves, thinking their awesome fishermen....uhhh huh....we then learn Billy won't be joining the other because he has a fish phobia and Kimberly doesn't want to get her hair wet! Nice Kim, you vacuous idiot! :)

So, Rita watching the rangers every move and not just killing them on the spot, decides to use Billy's fear as a plan to unleash a new monster...named....Goo Fish.....O_O......Meanwhile, back in Angel Grove, Jason, Zack and Trini look over their equipment before going in for swim while Billy and Kimberly have a picnic in the park.  Kimberly finally asks what Billy's deal is with not liking fish and we flashback to Billy getting bitten by a fish when he was a kid. Kim laughs it off but Billy's all stoic and serious because it really traumatized him. Meanwhile Bulk and Skull are making fools of themselves as usual until they fall into the lake. Unfortunately, it'snot full of piranha! -_- Soon Billy and Kimberly head back to their picnic and are attacked by Putties!  The two are handling them just fine but still feel the need to contact the others for help. Billy gets the idea to use his lunch box to cover one Puttie's head and for some reason Kimberly thinks that was awesome and why they won the fight???! O_o Anyway, they contact Zordon and teleport to the Command Center where they are informed about the monster of the week as usual. They morph into action without the others and handle a squad of Putties as the Goo Fish reveals itself at the beach.

Rita not wanting the rangers to win, uses a spell on Billy to amplify his fear. Suddenly Billy is hiding from the monster behind Kimberly and screaming in fear like a little girl. It's actually very entertaining and hilarious.  Meanwhile, the other teens finally get out of the ocean onto the beach and are contact by Zordon to help Kimberly and Billy. They morph and help the others which forces the Goo Fish into a retreat. They all teleport back to the Command Center unmorphed and Billy's all sorry he was afraid.  The teens ask if there is anyway they or Zordon can help him and Zordon tells them the only way to break the spell if Billy mans up and faces his fear. Better said then done my friend! As the Goo Fish attacks again, the rangers morph back into action and fight the monster who is being assisted by more Putties.  Looks like the Goo Fish is getting the upper hand when he uses his goo spray to trap Jason, Zack and Trini in their place. Kimberly tries to fend him off but throws some mini-star fish that stop her as well. The 4 rangers need help as Billy begins to tremble in fear. They call for Billy to help but it's no use....until he finally finds the courage to break free from the spell and face his fear! Way to go nerd boy! :)

Billy then flips all around Goo Fish and some how deflects his goo right back at him. How???? O_o But he manages to call for his Power Lance and defend his friends until they are free??? HOW??! o_O Anyway, the rangers are ready to finish him off when Rita makes him grow and they have to call their zords. The Megazord fight is cool as they mange to break his weapon, call for their "Power" Sword show!!! -_- Then they finish him off with the finishing move.  The epilogue is Billy and Ernie coming back from fishing and congratulating him for facing his fears. Bulk and Skull are dumb as Bulk gets a lobster stuck to his face. GROAN!!! -_-

Anyway, I'm still not sure if I like this episode or not.  The plot was Billy focused and decent, Goo Fish (stupid pun name not withstanding) looked creepy enough, the action was good, I guess I really did enjoy it. Did it move the plot along??? No...and not for a couple more episodes!!! -_- But it was fun and entertaining so kudos to the writers! :)

Final Morph: B+ 


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