Season 1, Episode 35: The Green Candle, Part 2

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"The Green Candle, Part 2"
Episode 35
Air Date: November 18, 1993

Well, this episode certainly sets the stage for the next couple of episodes as the rangers no longer have the aid of their 6th least for the next couple of episodes!!! The episode starts with the rangers, especially Tommy upset that his powers are about to be gone. Zordon suggests that a ranger go into the dark dimension, finally giving a name to Rita's otherworldly aka cheap looking set.  Tommy can't go because it will only drain his powers, so Jason decides to go while Alpha figures out how to use the residual energy the Putties left at the park from when they captured Tommy to find a way into Rita's dark dimension. How??? I have no idea!

Meanwhile, Rita is getting cocky because the Green candle continues to burn. The villains come up with a plan for the Cyclops monster to take the form of the megazord and destroy the city to distract the rangers from going after the Green Candle. At least Rita is trying to be success this time,so congrats!! Back at the Command Center, Alpha and Billy have created devices to help them access the dark dimension through that same area in the Park. Kimberly reassures Tommy who is still worried about Jason that they will be successful and fine. They teleport to the park while Tommy stays behind; wishing them luck. At the park, the teens set up the devices....sigh...while Bulk and Skull are at their most annoying and decide to interfere. Luckily, this scene ends quickly and they literally roll/fumble down a hill. Meanwhile, Back at the Command Center, the alarms go off, alerting Zordon, Alpha and Tommy to the Dragonzord Battle Mode destroying the city. Tommy questions how could this be (So did he just forget about the shape shifting monster he just fought!? O_o) and Zordon just tells him he's obvious the Cyclops monster. Tommy, being brave and realizing he's the only ranger to due battle with the creature, morphs out of there with Zordon finally agreeing to it.

Tommy morphs and arrives in the city; calling the Dragonzord. Both Dragonzord and Cyclops fight as it's a pretty awesome zord fight. It's really cool seeing Cyclops shift into different formations of the  zords like the megazord, Dragonzord Battle Mode and Tyrannosaurs. While Tommy gets a few good hits in, he's having a tough time battling the creature. Back at the park, Jason and the others finally get the devices up and running; opening a portal to the dark dimension. Jason goes through and luckily, Rita thought to have Goldar still protecting the candle from harm. Jason tries to fight Goldar unmorphed but gets tossed around pretty much. Meanwhile, the others worry about Jason taking too long just as Tommy is getting seriously beaten by the Cyclops. Zordon realizes the other rangers must abort their mission and save Tommy for a change. FINALLY!!! :) Alpha contacts the rangers and Zordon tells them they need to help Tommy fast by retrieving Jason. Zack volunteers to go after him as Trini and Billy activate the devices again (Wait, so how was Jason suppose to get out if the portal wasn't even open?!? Nice guys!! -_-) Zack goes in and makes it! Jason is still failing to get to the candle until Zack stops him and tells him about Tommy. I really like the exchange of dialogue here with Jason adamant on getting the candle but Zack reminding him that Tommy's life is much more important than his powers! :) They both escape as Goldar gloats about Tommy about to lose his powers. Once back at the park, the rangers morph into action and call on the Ultrazord to finally defeat the monster. After Cyclops' destruction, the rangers teleport to the Command Center to immediately go back to get the candle again.

But it's too late, as the candle finally burns out! Zordon says the only way for the Green ranger's powers to be saved if Tommy gives his Power Coin to one of the rangers. He quickly chooses Jason and his shield as well as Dragon dagger immediately transfers to Jason; Tommy slowly losing his power. I love how the rangers catch him and reassure him that he will always be a ranger as well as their friend. Rita is all pissed about losing the powers, especially since she was going to use them to rule the world (I mean, what was she going to do with them once she had them??? Get a new Green Ranger?? Take control of the Dragonzord??? Not clear but she should have thought of that before! lol) Tommy finally completely demorphs back into himself and he stands proud to be friends with the rangers as Zordon parts some words of wisdom for her services as a ranger as well as being a fine young man.

The next day, Kimberly approaches Tommy at the park who is practicing his Martial arts.  Tommy has some good dialogue about the rangers being a team waaaayyy before he arrived and how they will successfully carry on without him. Then we get are first (and ONLY!!!) on screen kiss between two rangers (hell two characters!) on this show. It's so cute finally seeing Tommy and Kimberly finally giving into their attractions for each other. Tommy asks her to the dance finally and Kimberly does her cute little "dramatic pause" before saying yes. Awwww, I love seeing these two so cute and happy together. A nice, natural ending with genuine build up and emotion.

Overall, unlike the last two parter, these two episode were both solid and addressed some issues with the plot not being moved at all.  Now with Tommy out of the picture for a while, we will be getting a new dynamic for the show with just the original 5 again. Awesome!!

Final Morph: B+


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