Season 2, Episode 1: The Mutiny, Part 1

"The Mutiny, Part 1"
Episode 1
Air Date: July 21, 1994

So thus begins a new era of the show!!! After a long yet successful first season, the creator and writers of the show forged on with a new season and boy is there enough new things here to make the show already a lot more interesting than the first season!!! Immediately, we introduced to new villain that will take over for Rita and it's none other than Lord Zedd; apparently Rita's boss and Emperor of Evil.  The first completely original American made main villain, Lord Zedd, aesthetically, he looks grotesque and very imposing and it's freakin' AWESOME!!! I love his introduction as well as his arrival at the Moon Palace with Rita and her minions clearly being scared out of their minds about the return of this more powerful adversary the rangers will have to face. The snake crawling around him is such a disturbing yet surreal visual; seriously, it's no wonder parents were outraged by him. This was suppose to be a kids show yet you have this demonic looking alien warlord turning snakes into his staff. God, I love Lord Zedd and his voice is perfection. Deep, raspy yet foreboding. I love how Goldar immediately answers to him and serves him no problem while Rita whines and literally kisses his feet to appease him. Squatt and Baboo just watch in entertainment at all this and I just love it!

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers are about to participate in the Angel Grove four wheeler race, with even Bulk and Skull joining them to once again annoy like always. The rangers look over the map of the race while Lord Zedd uses his powers so casually. You can tell he is truly more powerful than Rita able to make Goldar get his wings back, create his own foot soldiers in the Z-Putties (also the first American made foot soldiers) and eventually makes a monster from turning a piranha into one. Unlike Rita who needs time to prepare and for her spells to work. Nice! So the race begins and the rangers race off but stop when Jason hears thunder (Ohhh I see what they did there....;) The rangers say they should keep in eye out for Zordon contacting them and continue the race. Meanwhile, Zordon and Alpha sense something is amiss and try to track down the source of the disturbance. Meanwhile, Lord Zedd just shrinks Rita, puts her back into a mini version of her dumpster and banishes her to the far reaches of the universe. Jesus, I actually felt bad for poor Rita but she really was starting to suck at her job. It's just nice to see a new villain take charge and show some initial initiative to destroy the rangers properly.

Zordon and Alpha finally contact the rangers and tell them to teleport to the Command Center.  Once there, Zordon doesn't waste time telling them about the new threat and how their powers won't be enough to defeat this evil. Alpha even saying that Lord Zedd's power is unlike anything they've faced and the zords would most likely be destroyed facing one of his monsters. Meanwhile Bulk and Skull are making fools of themselves after they get knocked off their bikes. They then stumble upon Jason and the others's bikes and plan to steal them when Zedd sends down his new army of Putties to attack.  With Bulk and Skull surrounded, the rangers morph into action back at the Command Center and teleport there to save them. This is first American in suit fight footage we've gotten since "Return of An Old Friend, Part 1" and it's...gloriously bad! O_O I mean it could have been worse but for some reason it just isn't choreographed well at all. During the fight, Tommy's powers finally weaken, leaving Jason to come protect him and in doing so finds the Z-Putties' weakness. After telling the others how to defeat the Putties, everyone punches them in their Z spot and they break apart in a cool visual. You can seriously tell the show got a boost in budget between seasons. After checking if Bulk and Skull are ok, the rangers teleport back to the Command Center after defeating the Putties.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull get the idea of trying to find out the identities of the Power Rangers after hearing the Red Ranger speak to them. I mean clearly it's Jason you idiot as he sounds like him but sure Bulk, I'm sure your idea will make both of you guys rich! URGH!!! Back at the Command Center, the rangers for the first time helmetless, talk to Zordon about how difficult the Putties were and are fearful of what's in store next from Lord Zedd. Lord Zedd then uses his staff to create the monster, Piranhtis Head, who begins attacking the city. When the alarms go off, the rangers must go but Tommy stays behind to get his powers recharged by Zordon and Alpha. We hear "Back to Action!" for the first time from Jason as the rangers head to the city to face Pirahtis Head. They call for their zords but he just freezes them in their tracks to Jason's shock and horror. To Be Continued....Uhhh ooohhhh!!! O_O

This was a great first parter to the Season 2 premiere as it establishes a very promising new villain who is clearly very powerful, new foot soldiers in the Z-Putties and the continuation of the overall story with bits of Tommy's storyline with his powers finally giving out. Part 2, hear I come! ;)

Final Morph: A


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