Season 1, Episode 59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants

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"Mighty Morphin' Mutants"
Episode 59
Air Date: May 16, 1994

Well, this episode is certainly better than the last but considering it's rehashing another plot from earlier in the season, it's not so fun; at least not as fun as the first time!!! So Tommy's all forgetful at school and it turns out his latest assignment for class is to work on a flaw that his friends see in him. Skull and Bulk in particular point out his forgetful behavior; making Tommy all insecure about it. Wow, the rangers have flaws, maybe this won't be such a bad episode after all!! :) Tommy and Jason are training when Tommy keeps mentioning things he forgot and needs to borrow some of Jason's stuff. Jason finally has the courage to tell Tommy he has a problem with his memory, leading him to question if it's true from Trini and Kimberly. Not wanting him to be down about his short term memory loss, Trini and Kimberly want to help Tommy remembers things more.

Meanwhile during all this, Rit gets her latest plan of using the "Badges of darkness"....yes, turn some Putties into her new team of mutant rangers. Goldar even trains them until he picks the final 5 who will be the mutant rangers. But I gotta say I feel bad for Puttie #6, so pathetic...yet adorable, he didn't deserve to be destroyed like that. So Goldar gives them the badges of darkness...sigh....and destroys one as no one is worthy yet of being leader of the mutant team. Ok....but why destroy it though??? O_O Anyway, the 5 Puttie morph in the Mutant Rangers; another team of evil copies of the Power Rangers. Back at the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull make fun of Tommy some more until the teens make a comment about how Bulk and Skull need to work on not being so obnoxious and THINK!? Also saying they couldn't be complete gentleman for a which they leave in disbelief. As Tommy and Kimberly head to the park, Rita wants to send some of her mutant rangers to ambush them.

Tommy and Kimberly are shocked by their evil counterparts and engage in a fight with Tommy managing to get some decent hits in while Kimberly and her double kick fight.....literally! O_O I love how Tommy is winning and says "Man, these guys are hardcore!!!" Ummm, you imbecile, you were winning until you said that!!! -_- Tommy and Kimberly fall back literally as their doubles disappear. Kimberly is once again shocked  by Rita making another team of evil rangers as they head to the Command Center to join the other rangers. So Zordon briefs the rangers on the situation, badges of darkness and all and pretty much informs them they won't attack until they find a leader for their team. Meanwhile, as the teens wait for another attack, they help Tommy try to remember with Billy giving Tommy a device and Kimberly giving Tommy some ribbons on his wrist. When he forgets his notebook, Zordon and Alpha contact the rangers about seeing Commander the new leader of the evil rangers. The rangers morph and head to the beach to fight them. I like the rhyme the evil rangers say to the Power Rangers; just dumb, cheesy and hilarious!!! They fact with Jason taking on Crayfish while the other face off against their counterparts.

Zordon and Alpha, meanwhile, finally reach Tommy as he left his communicator in locker. He morphs and helps the other rangers, facing off against his double as well. The mutant rangers form their own power blaster and blast the rangers. The rangers regroup at the Command Center as Zordon gives them new weapons to defeat their enemies that turns out to be....their old weapons....-_- Anyway, they teleport back to face Crayfish and the mutant rangers; managing to destroy the pink and yellow ones with their Power Blaster. Rita makes the rest of them grow and the rangers summon their zords. The megazord takes on Commander Crayfish while Dragonzord takes on the 3 giant rangers. When the mutant rangers and Crayfish join powers, the rangers decide to summon to Ultrazord to finally defeat all of them. The next day, the teens reassure Tommy that no one's perfect and everyone has flaws, etc. Bulk and Skull are being fake gentlemen and polite to Ms. Applebee by giving her gift but it's clearly a trick as when she forces them to open it, they get a bunch of silly string in the face! Great! Overall, this was an okay episode. The rehash of the evil rangers was fine I guess but it just wasn't as fun as the first time like I said. Omg!! Only one more episode left this season! Thank God! :)

Final Morph: C+


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